炼狱 - Dream Of Moribund

炼狱 - Dream Of Moribund
Style:Black Metal
Additional:Raw Black Metal, Ambient Black Metal
Format:256 mp3
Size:62.21 MB
Seeded:stormhatt Respect  Antirespect
炼狱 - Dream Of Moribund
4.91/5 votes: 5
Added:17/07/2018 15:59:31
Downloaded:205 (Taken - 196) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:15/06/2024 14:51:22
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Length / Продолжительность: 00:33:54

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Intro - 开篇
02. Dream of Moribund - 垂死者之梦
03. Purgatory - 炼狱
04. Judgement of Doomsday - 末日审判
05. Wither in Late Autumn - 在深秋中凋落
06. The Gift from Satan - 撒旦的礼物
07. Total Solar Eclipse Forever - 永远的日全食


27  Isla de Muerto
2018-07-17 17:28:43

I liked the other one, I'll definitely be looking forward to your uploads if you recommend them.

I'm starting to get more into black metal, I probably should start with the more popular bands, but I like this shady obscure stuff.

Thank you!!

41  Sweden
2018-07-17 17:55:49

I liked the other one, I'll definitely be looking forward to your uploads if you recommend them.

I'm starting to get more into black metal, I probably should start with the more popular bands, but I like this shady obscure stuff.

Thank you!!

No not the popular bands! Try bands from Les Legions Noires from the 90's. Great stuff. Some bands. Vlad Tepes, Torgiest, Belkètre, Vérmyapre Kommando, Aäkon Këëtrëh is some of them. Raw stuff from France.

27  Isla de Muerto
2018-07-17 20:46:09

Thanks, I've just downloaded all that Les legions noires stuff, I also like the bands you have been recommending me on my profile lately. Thx, nice job amigo! {#blum2.gif}

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