Rotting Christ - The Apocryphal Spells

Rotting Christ - The Apocryphal Spells
Style:Dark Metal
Additional:Gothic Metal, Melodic Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:105.30 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Rotting Christ - The Apocryphal Spells
4.8/5 votes: 100
Added:14/12/2022 22:31:01
Downloaded:6672 (Taken - 5295) Seeded 33 Downloading 0
Last seeded:18/05/2024 00:54:01
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:44:28

Tracks / Треклист:
  The Apocryphal Spells, Vol. I:
  The Apocryphal Spells, Vol. II:
Danila88, rott1914, METALLURG74, lordnapalm, palmer1972, Praggressive, LP Beria, Rockabilly, th0d0r1s, MsEcho, lemyforever, carlosrod, shaggath, jay9116, zadar48, pestbeule666, astyon, _Destroyer_, AgentOfChaos, sweetP, harpan13, Triumph69, Marsound, urrrich, Konn, JPvato, mrsly, fripouilloux, sajmon701, CartonCorrugado, Yulia1210, kr1egmetal, Hardymetal666, gabyvelthegreat, atlas3728, blaga, RPCHeimdall, vpetya68, dcsa full of hell, trupigor, qharitakiri, -Nachtmahr-, Beyond_Oblivion, kotofey1983, Mor_bid, Deathgrinder, pervunchik_vasja, nogmaster, errorism1, raiser_, vazdu, SERGDOOM, Soulblad3, xoctav, Argarthie1320, NJStix, gitar75, blackivan, MeTr59, Yoha, tonyl85, anationonfire, babybabayaga, stefa, Xavimetal32, jedimx, blackswordmaster88, ericdraven76, Listopadoff, BTO, шапито, Jabukodonosor, velasco, Banichi, cgurau, Bobafett1313, lesenok, manrique, ddcska, JanneFiH, Marakanez87, Danai, Jebtheknight, sopot14, draht, BlaspherionFLUL, van dooom, Vinland318, 8core, sdarken, VSvaleryVS, Panzerbassen, Csacsa77, Андрей С 1975, voivodoid, against03, kallem666, KAOSWAR, Gargantor, danny888, suslovod, sceptic666, fdr1969, aris16, lorddragon67, Paul2016, paelos, joseff, mangled, victarios, pupsik46, tajavit, horn1, kuzmich2007, MdN666, messia, E-Voices, camart72, uranya, Igor20yan, Metalmaloy, xariton, kolobok455, Sixth666, Dogsvomit, alexbueno, Metalefice, ltibor, Blackpesta, terminator007, bill4aston, MeRoCo, thevik, ZorracK, aromansine, i am, judgekraken, Godsnake, pszicho, kisoun, fosepu10, Rennie75, johnlord, cey, viking15, veneno, CycoMacke, Slayerofsouls, myrath666, TrakkaUPacciu, Tyler_Aries, sanek_baa, rosen, tiseev1975, Artscald, gwar777, tivkiot_bob, vamprose, trollhot, juniorheavyrn, Murad_Sol , chappy, panos74, Steene, nacrimson, Kanti, mparion, vasmalac, ElboLiman, Will1978, Pall13, cyberInFer, Catch86, zxcvbnm1111, Perestroika, fizziu, jcdiazg, tomazinio, JUAN CARLOS, stayros69, georgemetalhead, dittohed213, blacksunwheel, bary, jlconrado, Moto_, david21, TheDarkLordJJ, fragi, mayorofarta, puzogore, fanfan87, Dusan Ivkovic9, price321, kragdob, bozhok74, khonsu, Kingvile, Cold Space, mayrink, Stahlreich, warmaster, Shamanictool, metalkirk01, Bairon73, Hendrik Mobus, alexey19700, EderMoura, MpaK, LuciferChildren, Rakir, андрюшик, tvi72, db415, Дидахе, elguardiannegro, blizzardbeast, Patlatyi2013, Dinozavr, mancio, ominous 666, fleur, lokiju, takkewijf, cyvra, olegcap17, Mantoz, kostasblackwind, irissdael, robi1967, sylenoz, QAFenriz, Luixx, Perished1978, thrashbanger, tordigger, asmorod, Daysbetween, dumbfox, massiargo, sandrolord, filosofik, karol100, yzfgr6, muratko, Valentii, vaniaradi, amos22, vaho13, gatemis, Kyuss75, AligerO, alex111, zyrby, tobik, pantherace, Onirico, genad07, ev0707, DeathDiman, Vitek9614, santa998, kot666, ostego, N73, pivi90,


2023-03-05 14:26:04


2023-04-07 12:05:07


2023-04-16 14:32:25

Maximum thank you!

2023-04-22 17:55:51


2023-05-31 09:53:06


48  Greece
2023-06-10 13:06:32


47  Romania
2023-07-12 16:23:54

megathanks !!! any chance for the full version pls ? o.O

2023-09-02 20:08:58

Not Bad album.

50  Canada
2024-03-05 10:26:35

For some reason I cannot get into these guys, I'm trying... Thanks!

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