Pastor - Evoke

Pastor - Evoke
Style:Stoner | Hard Rock
Additional:Psychedelic Rock
Format:192 mp3
Size:40.96 MB
Seeded:stopa Respect  Antirespect
Pastor - Evoke
4.99/5 votes: 4
Added:07/10/2015 12:58:35
Downloaded:285 (Taken - 300) Seeded 0 Downloading 0
Last seeded:16/04/2024 14:45:24
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Length / Продолжительность: 00:29:48

Tracks / Треклист:

01. Voodoo (03:48)
02. Drowning Thoughts (03:24)
03. Wolf Vein (03:44)
04. Wicked Whispers (05:10)
05. Moving On (03:27)
06. Devils Reef (04:35)
07. Evoke (05:33)



2016-01-16 19:00:41

One of my favorite Albums of all time.... AWESOME STUFF... This Baby stands between my Kadavar and Witchcraft LPs  {#declare.gif}

THX 4 Sharin !!!! {#drinks.gif}

2016-01-22 00:43:39

Definitely it is similar to Kadavar and it carries a lot of '70s music influences.

2016-01-26 16:37:43

jep your right... the special thing on em is they go in a Studio and all you hear is live... you can say... live in the studio... normaly or mostly you record hundrets of studio tracks ... somethimes 4 Tracks just for one guitar.... doubled ... Left / Right and so on.. all thousand thimes then you have mostly that "fat" sound.

But most of the bands now say this is all overproduced and they are one of em and that is what i really worship :-) i wanna do i like they do because just drumcomputing and so on is really annoying :-( analog rulez somethimes ;-)

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