Tuatha de Danann - Discography (1999 - 2023)

Tuatha de Danann - Discography (1999 - 2023)
Tuatha de Danann - Discography (1999 - 2023)
Style:Folk Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.25 GB
Seeded:Madball74 Respect  Antirespect
Tuatha de Danann - Discography (1999 - 2023)
2.59/5 votes: 50
Added:18/12/2016 09:15:03
Downloaded:1571 (Taken - 2244) Seeded 6 Downloading 0
Last seeded:19/04/2024 04:47:58
Moderation:Moderated by Madball74
Genre: Celtic Folk Metal
Albums / Альбомы:

1999 - Tuatha de Danann (EP) 
2001 - Tingaralatingadun 
2001 - Tingaralatingadun (Remaster 2021)
2002 - The Delirium Has Just Began 
2004 - Trova Di Danú 
2015 - Dawn Of A New Sun 
2016 - Tuatha De Danann (EP) 
2019 - The Tribes Of Witching Souls (EP)
2020 - In Nomine Éireann
2021 - ... of Trovas and Spells (Compilation)
2023 - The Nameless Cry


49  Serbia
2023-12-14 23:05:41

Add: 2023 - The Nameless Cry.

2023-12-15 11:13:00

Started seeding but I downloaded the torrent without the 2023 album.  There's also changes made to the torrent for the 2021 album so that what I have no longer corresponds with what's in the torrent...

2023-12-15 20:03:48

gracias y felices fiestas

46  Costa Rica
2023-12-17 22:48:21


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