Training For Utopia - (Pre-Demon Hunter) Discography

Training For Utopia - (Pre-Demon Hunter) Discography
Additional:Mathcore, Industrial Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:430.06 MB
Seeded:gloves Respect  Antirespect
Training For Utopia - (Pre-Demon Hunter) Discography
4.99/5 votes: 8
Added:18/05/2017 03:20:30
Downloaded:514 (Taken - 598) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:24/04/2024 13:41:11
Moderation:Moderated by djoma
Information: Brothers Don and Ryan Clark were originally in this band before forming Demon Hunter. Training For Utopia changed their sounds quite a lot but were primarily Christian hardcore, mathcore, metalcore, and industrial metal. Their 1997 Falling Cycle EP has the same tracks as the Breathing In Disease EP casette but was put on CD with a new name.

Albums / Альбомы: 
1997 - Falling Cycle (EP) (Breathing In Disease EP cassette)
1997 - Training For Utopia & Zao (Split)
1997 - Plastic Soul Impalement
1999 - Throwing A Wrench Into The American Music Machine
2004 - Technical Difficulties (Compilation)


2017-05-18 11:16:13

thanks man

2017-07-31 09:43:50

Thanks but seed please!


2017-08-22 00:33:59

Please seed.  I'm at 94.2%.  Thank you!

2018-06-27 02:43:15

I thought these albums were completely lost to history. I'll never be able to thank you enough for this torrent. Thanks a bunch uploader. Greatly appreciated. 

2019-04-20 22:40:55


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