Mythos & Expulsion & Unexpected & Mysthical - Vociferous & Machiavellian Hate (Split)

Mythos & Expulsion & Unexpected & Mysthical - Vociferous & Machiavellian Hate (Split)
Style:Death Metal
Format:128 mp3
Size:69.51 MB
Seeded:CYBEROX_14 Respect  Antirespect
Mythos & Expulsion & Unexpected & Mysthical - Vociferous & Machiavellian Hate (Split)
5/5 votes: 3
Added:02/03/2018 03:14:03
Downloaded:182 (Taken - 168) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:18/04/2024 08:25:03
Moderation:Moderated by djoma
Length / Продолжительность: 01:15:49

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Mythos - Intro: Prelude to Agony of Christ
02. Mythos - In Veiled Language
03. Mythos - Intro: Evilness / The Adept
04. Mythos - Intro: Incantations Part 1 / Mano Fica
05. Mythos - Intro: Chorus of Hell / Verses in Fire
06. Mythos - Intro: Damned Church / Mythos
07. Expulsion - Intro: Pain and Damnation / Soul Upheaval
08. Expulsion - Intro: the Arrival / As the Last One Leaves
09. Expulsion - Intro: The Judgment Day / The Other Side
10. Unexpected - Intro: Alone in the Dark / Prospect to Recognition
11. Unexpected - Intro: Morbid Dream / False Resistance
12. Unexpected - Intro: Incantations Part 2 / Thoughts of Wisdom
13. Mysthical - Intro: Demoniacal Resurrection / Burn the Remains (of Christianity)
14. Mysthical - Intro: Torture Chamber / The Whisper of Winter
15. Mysthical - Intro: Demons Was in the Church / When the Winter Sunfall Arrives
16. Mysthical - Intro: Chorus of Hell / Goat Consecration / Final: I Deny Jesus Christ


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