Ex Libris - Discography (2008 - 2019)

Ex Libris - Discography (2008 - 2019)
Ex Libris - Discography (2008 - 2019)
Style:Sympho Gothic Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:549.62 MB
Seeded:Veggr Respect  Antirespect
Ex Libris - Discography (2008 - 2019)
4.95/5 votes: 49
Added:15/03/2019 07:29:05
Downloaded:2275 (Taken - 3286) Seeded 4 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/05/2024 02:36:12
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Albums / Альбомы:
2008 - Amygdala
2011 - Medea (Demo) (128 kbps)
2014 - Medea
2018 - Ann - Chapter 1: Anne Boleyn (EP)
2019 - Ann - Chapter 2: Anastasia Romanova (EP)
2019 - Ann (A Progressive Metal Trilogy) (Compilation)

Darusgabi, LeJoliRouge, annathanos, level116, Gb3, Stargazer004, KONSUL, RhyanX, carlosrod, FallenArchl, Grandee, Vegas102, sweetP, Flack666, METALURG, Marsound, traveller, iron_man, atlas3728, Moon_Uh, Deana, icokolev, Netto1962, Nicolay Povolotskiy , batos38, Victor02, dcsa full of hell, qharitakiri, Draeraxes, redamned, Godschild80, RhyanDiez, Frank Black, mrwacky, jeff744, jamesiron, tan222, fuckknuckle, pervunchik_vasja, Hoarder, attila187, Aydwyn, gaul666, Dhalsinn, MrL, vazdu, Judas_Iskariot, _Koshak_, ranked, ARM59, shultzmusic, MeTr59, Yoha, tonyl85, zwyks, Gnoi, vik3553, Shturm58, Aleksei76, Sigistrix, ASlayer, davidecap83, manrique, Atalargan, JanneFiH, Jebtheknight, Vaho, Etal, graf 1963, Алексей евгеньевич, Topimaci66, miloal, VSvaleryVS, auzis, Rodger333, suslovod, fdr1969, FePeGe, lorddragon67, genialedroeftoeter, Sikarra, Scorpi5310, MAYH6, k1llu7, thor67, morrison2, belgarion 24, JrMendes, Maltael, kolobok455, fkinf300, mrmega49, fernandosantosdaluz, GusN, lucifere, i am, ozzy73, firebiker, pszicho, cey, aalio, Vosje, CycoMacke, myrath666, wolf2, watnou, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, KataPy, alfred13, Ural31050, ciderlord, ermis2, KeyMan264, cyberInFer, popoallo, SOROKA158, michel112200, fizziu, Xplorer, gyurma, riojard, galuche, georgemetalhead, zotty, bary, luchito_bc, slayer1968, Stahlreich, peerotr, kosmatus, alexey19700, андрюшик, mattia, epica93, Lasea, Mundo , 5e9gze, destructionn, cyvra, gafazen, dumbfox, mistergrajams, Dr Aibolit, mas17, varlam4, Shirka, Semen89, alex111, ev0707, sayfut, FuneralWolf,


44  El Salvador
2024-04-20 18:02:19


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