Children of Technology - Apocalyptic Compendium - 10 Years in Chaos, Noise and Warfare (Compilation)

Children of Technology - Apocalyptic Compendium - 10 Years in Chaos, Noise and Warfare (Compilation)
Style:Speed Metal
Additional:Thrash Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:108.73 MB
Seeded:fleitte Respect  Antirespect
Children of Technology - Apocalyptic Compendium - 10 Years in Chaos, Noise and Warfare (Compilation)
5/5 votes: 7
Added:04/09/2020 05:19:44
Downloaded:353 (Taken - 410) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:28/04/2024 12:54:04
Moderation:Moderated by Che
Length / Продолжительность: 00:47:22

Tracks / Треклист:

01. Deathsquad Bombing in Downtown 
02. Mayhemic Speed Anarchy
03. Computer World (Black Uniforms cover)
04. Submit to Extinction 0
05. Postnuclear Quarantine 2011 A.D. 
06. Chaosmutant Hordes 
07. Rise of the Nightrider 
08. On the Road Again 
09. V8 Nitro Engine 
10. Give Me Gasoline or Give Me Death 
11. You Don’t Move Me (I Don’t Give a Fuck) (Bathory cover) 
12. Children of Technology (Intro) 
13. Postnuclear Quarantine 
14. No Fuel, No Hope 
15. The Road Warriors 
16. Vultures Over Cities in Flames 
17. Death's Fury


33  Russia
2021-08-22 10:59:35

Шикарная компиляха, нет больше нужды собирать по отдельности все выходившие на епихах и сплитах треки)

33  Russia
2021-08-22 11:02:15

Seed pls :з

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