Massacre - Resurgence

Massacre - Resurgence
Style:Death Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:95.68 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Massacre - Resurgence
4.86/5 votes: 119
Added:21/10/2021 13:14:11
Downloaded:5880 (Taken - 5173) Seeded 24 Downloading 1
Last seeded:03/05/2024 14:13:10
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:40:20

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Eldritch Prophecy
02. Ruins of R'Lyeh
03. Innsmouth Strain
04. Whisperer in Darkness
05. Book of the Dead (feat. Marc Grewe)
06. Into the Far-Off Void
07. Servants of Discord
08. Fate of the Elder Gods
09. Spawn of the Succubus
10. Return of the Corpse Grinder
gerrit123, kompott, Boby002, Cliff1, amvicente, lolo_69, 76boroda, Miwer, metalmarvel, papst, xelu, carlosrod, zadar48, Mojtaba, Zolotnik, GerLeatex, Paidi, astyon, _Destroyer_, Michalis Deltas , sweetP, harpan13, IGOR1085, posternyak, Triumph69, Marsound, Diewhie, ClaymanLF, hellbarrabas, Macellaio, novajimmer, SlayerKing, JPvato, mrsly, Gevemperor, dimonvp, sajmon701, istvan veres, Yulia1210, lestat4593, icarohm, kr1egmetal, evgenii484, atlas3728, Brodzislavus, Arisnfh111, let4ikmiha, Forhekset88, sergio1204, Nitsuga, lukseda, svarog14, Apacs1, AriaProo, -Nachtmahr-, zonata07, craine, Beyond_Oblivion, thanatomorp, thephilosopher, kotofey1983, Mor_bid, staken13, RedViking78, Deathgrinder, nesticle8bit, Dead Bullpit, nogmaster, arthur, pigypig, thule59, betodeth, azarall, 4b10, penumchrist, szabojoe68, blackivan, alien77, garrett156, Goathier, stavpiss, AriesWarlock, wargrinder, tootsbook, Gnoi, babybabayaga, zorel, stefa, immortal27, Xavimetal32, Sinister696, Eddie47, hrvth, Gros Jaws, BTO, Jabukodonosor, Teamspecial, Trogwaar, JanneFiH, Vaho, Evolizer, Viking1966, draht, Бхайрава, clayj79, talopatalo, Skvllkrvsher, Vinland318, yazvitskiy ef, VSvaleryVS, Noctisera, Panzerbassen, picasso3, robingub, p33k, Gastreet, iron inferno, Bhut78, kisvakond, against03, kallem666, KAOSWAR, suslovod, sceptic666, fdr1969, aris16, olegkom, lorddragon67, Paul2016, BlackRatVidnoe, joseff, xristoforos73, mangled, maks77, roswel47, thor67, alucard2991, kallyadranoch, Metalmaloy, trilobite, Vsl, ND91, xariton, fuxo888888, fkinf300, Dmitresku, Dogsvomit, Tarrodor, ltibor, sashprod, wipes, vovas150, agamejn, kata_grana, varlata666, i am, judgekraken, MrSlonsky, Godsnake, Rennie75, johnlord, aalio, cariboo, pops074, NoReturN, serj71, simple_guy7, kalojohn77, executioner341, rosen, Artscald, gwar777, tivkiot_bob, jth6, crapouille, vader1388, buday1978, trollhot, Leprosy974, chemaguada, serenobrak, panos74, Schakaal, lucifugefromhell, vasmalac, wanderer73, ElboLiman, Will1978, cyberInFer, Guy Guy, OliverQ, tomazinio, krentz, kremator76, warg666, wasiliy 732, Aleister666, 666PoisonSnake, bulldogdan, JUAN CARLOS, ivannemec, ust-kamchatskk, galuche, locometal, willhandicap, Hellwar, jlconrado, Moto_, TVM_75 , johnconstantine, наско георгиев, puzogore, fanfan87, War Hammer, kragdob, cannibalistico, slayer1968, khonsu, monkeespank, mayrink, bourkek, Stahlreich, nagumo, kosmatus, alexey19700, veronahellas, bril, андрюшик, db415, Дидахе, taliesin, Lasea, Анатолий1861, greatbone, hag0310, fuar, Beer Baron, Patlatyi2013, Dinozavr, pilu71, darconio, perifferist, karmi, robi1967, yanitz, thrashbanger, kacsa, sasha 060, asmorod, evilbo666, Wender, profanus, walkingdead, sandrolord, seniornikiu, filosofik, karol100, muratko, Dr Aibolit, alexandrlimar, vaniaradi, amos22, varlam4, ProudAssassin, Shirka, maxch78, Anatoly, CORPSEMIXA, elciocruz, дагон, pinkcream69, KOTЪ, saloma75, 12Grave12, pand, tobik, KURAKIN, kukliatka, alexdamose, ev0707, pasha88, krupskii, Dark Ser, rich74, kot666, 2468645, pivi90, foxolet,


37  Portugal
2021-10-28 20:12:15


2021-11-04 14:13:32

excellent merci!

34  France
2021-11-05 01:22:43


40  Serbia
2021-11-10 00:05:57


51  Syria
2021-12-17 04:21:28


32  Brazil
2022-10-05 20:29:37

MetalGod bless you /,,/

2022-12-28 20:00:59


49  Turkey
2023-05-07 11:18:02


2023-11-17 20:18:45

Thank you! Massacre rules

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