Six Feet Under - Killing For Revenge (Upconvert)

Six Feet Under - Killing For Revenge (Upconvert)
Style:Death Metal
Additional:Groove Metal, Death'n'Roll
Format:320 mp3
Size:108.22 MB
Seeded:DetMoroz Respect  Antirespect
Six Feet Under - Killing For Revenge (Upconvert)
4.87/5 votes: 65
Added:09/05/2024 08:13:53
Downloaded:2446 (Taken - 2760) Seeded 90 Downloading 0
Last seeded:20/05/2024 07:29:25
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность:
Tracks / Треклист:
01 Know-Nothing Ingrate
02 Accomplice to Evil Deeds
03 Ascension
04 When the Moon Goes Down in Blood
05 Hostility Against Mankind
06 Compulsive
07 Fit of Carnage
08 Neanderthal
09 Judgement Day
10 Bestial Savagery
11 Mass Casualty Murdercide
12 Spoils of War
13 Hair of the Dog

Metal Abby, DanielMisantropo, tomtom666, Kuzmith1, 1Predator1, lolo_69, Лубыш, wicked003, Rockabilly, sd763, shaggath, zadar48, wolfric, Paidi, mg3330476, _Destroyer_, Tyrann, Slaytanic1939, Diewhie, zajtss, Yulia1210, lestat4593, kr1egmetal, Hardymetal666, atlas3728, Arisnfh111, let4ikmiha, meloman311998, vpetya68, njall, AriaProo, -Nachtmahr-, redamned, SerpentDave, H1TBACK, Dimitris1982, deniskazarets, Argarthie1320, McalvinoV, gitar75, blackivan, psychotic_penguin, garrett156, tonyl85, zorel, oldwhitepitbull, stefa, lacika76, Sinister696, Eddie47, Dogfilles, Fennarth, luki66, Gros Jaws, шапито, velasco, havik, Zombie1981, mrmaiden, manrique, Vaho, johnnyquad02, Sinforoso69, van dooom, stedust, cilike1982, Panzerbassen, robingub, umbbaraum, Csacsa77, BlsDisciple, klasterbot, horrorscope, kisvakond, against03, kallem666, KAOSWAR, fdr1969, olegkom, lorddragon67, Paul2016, Oboevviktor, Kohan, joseff, elbastardo1b, qwsa, WickedBastard001, dsgur, thor67, 123oleg123, E-Voices, MASSACRE666, cranioclast, xariton, bill4aston, MeRoCo, judgekraken, MrSlonsky, Godsnake, johnlord, NoReturN, Jonah Hex, traka, TRiPoLYT, tiseev1975, Artscald, tivkiot_bob, vamprose, zhigla, vader1388, trollhot, serenobrak, Steene, redevil61, vasmalac, Will1978, Majo Pervil, Rafael_Dantas, Guy Guy, Dav20, 666PoisonSnake, bulldogdan, JUAN CARLOS, ivannemec, locometal, dhg13, TheDarkLordJJ, kaliberrock, venom71, bozhok74, monkeespank, bourkek, warmaster, андрюшик, tvi72, db415, Дидахе, elguardiannegro, greatbone, hag0310, Dinozavr, yanitz, tordigger, Soul550, evilbo666, profanus, walkingdead, massiargo, sandrolord, muratko, amos22, pinkcream69, saloma75, 12Grave12, alex111, zyrby, tobik, Onirico, rus2540, ev0707, krupskii, Dark Ser, Dimas36, kot666, N73, ateist90


42  USSR
2024-05-15 01:03:15

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2024-05-19 18:57:33

Thank You! {#drinks.gif}

2024-05-20 03:09:59

Gracias lml

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