Various Artists - Heavy Artillery

Various Artists - Heavy Artillery
Style:Heavy Metal
Additional:Power Metal, Thrash Heavy Metal
Format:192 mp3
Size:113.08 MB
Seeded:RBorisS Respect  Antirespect
Various Artists - Heavy Artillery
4.69/5 votes: 4
Added:28/03/2012 02:54:15
Downloaded:210 (Taken - 350) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:26/04/2024 22:44:19
Moderation:Moderated by jared_wanted
Duration / Продолжительность: 01:19:58

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Breaker - Still Life
02. Kraze - Devil In Disguise
03. Chemikill - Deadline
04. Decimation - Silenced In Time
05. Real Steel - I Rule the Radio
06. Purgatory - Blood's The Price
07. Deus Vult - Twilight's Last Gleam
08. Sacred Heart - Time After Time
09. Terror - Pain And Suffering
10. Torment - Epilogue
11. Destructor - Storm Of Steel
12. Attaxe - Pedal To The Metal
13. Trigger Zone - Trigger Zone
14. Hatrix - Sins Of A Bastard Angel
15. Wretch - Life
16. Brainicide - Payment In Blood
17. Rebellous Angel - Stand Up And Fight
18. Severe Warning - Better Off Dead
19. Titan Force - Blaze Of Glory
20. The Spudmonsters - I'm Not Guilty

Кассета - компиляция команд Кливлендской Metal-сцены, кроме Titan Force из Колорадо. Первоначально все песни были эксклюзивными, но с тех пор были переиздания на других сборниках и в качестве бонус-треков.


58  Spain
2022-10-02 05:13:08

Thanks a lot, hope it seeds!!

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