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[SOLVED] Not possible to upload pictures - Версия для печати

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+--- Тема: [SOLVED] Not possible to upload pictures (/showthread.php?tid=3015)

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RE: Not possible to upload pictures - beernd - 06-30-2015

I am starting to think this has smth to do with adblock+

So what should i copy then? i can't figure it out anymore, tried all of the options when right clicking but no result.
This is getting ridiculous.

RE: Not possible to upload pictures - dimanlev - 06-30-2015

To check yourself you need to insert image URl in browser. If you see image then good.

RE: Not possible to upload pictures - beernd - 06-30-2015

[Изображение: metal_logo_by_impalerwolf-d4jzq5y.jpg]
That is the thing... I see the image when i put the link in google search but i can not see the picture here on the forum myself. Do you see a picture now in here or just a link?
It should show me the picture as well but it just will not work.

RE: Not possible to upload pictures - dimanlev - 06-30-2015

I see picture Metal

RE: Not possible to upload pictures - beernd - 06-30-2015

Ok... now what the fuck did i do different this time then all of the other 1000 times? NOTHING!
This is totally fucking weird shit. Copied it over and over again and now i just tried to open it in a new screen and it all the sudden works...
Ok, will try another one...

[Изображение: Auto_Union_1000_Sp_Garmisch-Partenkirchen_regne.jpg]

Ok, finally got it... have to copy the link to the image first, then open it in a new screen and then copy the link google gives again, then it finally is the right link.
How goddamn complicated it needs to be?

Thanx dimanlev