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atmospheric ambient black metal - Версия для печати

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atmospheric ambient black metal - anterrabae - 12-23-2014

Do you have any suggestions I could not find the site?

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - tears_of_fire - 12-24-2014

For me, the best is Havard Ellefsen aka MORTIIS and his many projects

Yahoo Grin

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - OnoDrimm - 12-25-2014

if u havnt already heard them, deffinetly check them out

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - Alterego - 03-14-2015

You should definitely try this out:

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - ivanargen - 03-15-2015

Better this Yes

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - roxn - 03-15-2015

try agalloch, windir, elderwind, summoning, falkenbach, dark forest

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - Elena_Lenina - 03-18-2015

руссиш балоболиш есть?

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - Sentient - 03-20-2015

Atmospheric Black Metal
Walknut - Graveforests and Their Shadows

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - beernd - 05-28-2015

Wiegedood from belgium

RE: atmospheric ambient black metal - anrular - 05-29-2015

Summoning rules