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[В работе][Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
ReFORMAToR Не на форуме
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[В работе][Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
Недавно встретился с англоговорящим пользователем в чате, он недавно на трекере и не знаел что к чему. Я ему посоветовал обратиться к справке, но он сказал, что ее нет =) Вот поэтому я решил сделать доброе дело и перевести правила чата и справку на Eng язык. Надеюсь администрация одобрит это дело и добавит справку для американцев) Прикрепляю пока что .txt с правилами чата
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 08-03-2012, 05:20 AM пользователем Admin.)
07-06-2012, 05:07 PM
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ReFORMAToR Не на форуме
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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
Вот .txt

.txt   Правила чата для металлТрекера.txt (Размер: 5.31 Кб / Загрузок: 9)
07-06-2012, 06:37 PM
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Nihilist Не на форуме
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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
Выкладывай переводы текстом сюда
07-06-2012, 06:45 PM
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ReFORMAToR Не на форуме
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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
Начало справки (Словарь терминов)

.txt   Словарь терминов для справки металлТрекера.txt (Размер: 4.17 Кб / Загрузок: 5)
07-06-2012, 07:35 PM
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Phenom Не на форуме
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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
добавляй тексты не в приклеплении. а в сообщении.
07-06-2012, 08:11 PM
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ReFORMAToR Не на форуме
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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата

Правила Чата (Chat Rules)

1. Appointment chat: virtual online chat user tracker with each other.
2. In the chat are not allowed:
* Insults and humiliation of some other users.- Punishable by a warning (alarm clock), subsequently banned for a period of one day, if not helped - ban forever.
* obscene language, as well as foul language in a disguised form in the form of reduction or modification of swear words and foul language. - Punishable by an alarm clock, in a subsequent ban for a period of 1 day. If you did not help - ban forever.
* Inciting hatred on ethnic, political or religious grounds. - Punishable by a period of weeks alarm, subsequently banned forever.
* Spam, flooding, and meaningless interjections are not linked to other expressions and statements. - Oral (private / public) warning, in a subsequent alarm. If this helps - a ban on one day.
* Wrangling with the administration of user tracker, as well as deliberately deliberate provocation of the past on the use of different kinds of sentences (as well as inducing others to violate the rules of the tracker as a whole) - alarm clock, in a subsequent ban on a day as well, if not helped - ban forever.
* Misuse of colors and CAPS LOCK - that is, repetition of messages, in which there are data design elements. - Verbal warning, alarm clock, the removal of upload.
* Communicating in a chat is in Russian (exceptions are the names of styles, bands, albums, songs, country and people, speak the language poorly) - verbal warning, alarm clock, the removal of upload.
* An active discussion tracker personnel actions, as well as complaints of moderators (you must send a private message to administrators or creator, stating the reason and, preferably, items of correspondence, in case problems arose in the chat room or forum). - Punishable by up to an alarm clock ban for 1 day.
* The same rules apply to the moderators. The exception is administrators. Recent reserve the right to communicate as they wish.
* Administrators and moderators have the right not to respond to users in the chat. If you have any problem, write your private messages
* Moderators can not delete messages from users, unless they involve a violation of the rules in Section 2
3. In the chat is allowed:
* To voice their opinion if it does not involve a violation of the rules in Section 2.
* To spread the image no larger than 640 pixels.
4. Add-ons.
* If the user does not speak Russian, or possesses bad, he can speak English. Similarly, other users can answer him in English.
* Moderator has discretion to remove a 1.3 GB upload to users of any breach of current rules.

Словарь терминов (Glossary of Terms)

About Us.

Welcome to the tracker www.metal-tracker.com. I sincerely hope that the diversity of the exchange of materials will make you happy. Before you join directly to the file-sharing, we strongly recommend you carefully read the document shown below, following the recommendations of which will make your stay on the tracker, as well as other users and stay as comfortable as possible and to avoid problems and misunderstandings. Tracker Administration, for its part, is ready to provide you with comprehensive assistance.


BitTorrent - a protocol designed for file sharing. In fact, it is the p2p-protocol, where each user connects directly to the other is sending or receiving information. The principal difference from other BitTorrent p2p-systems that have a central server, which coordinates all the existing links between users. Because of this, the network bandwidth is used well. In this case, the more people involved in the life of a particular distribution, the greater the final speed can get each of them.


Torrent - a file identifier that contains information about the requested files, namely, about the size and number of fragments, and checksum the downloaded file (s) of the tracker on which you can get information about the participants of filesharing. Torrent, also sometimes referred to as the very hand of BitTorrent protocol.


Tracker - a central server, which is a Coordinator of the actions of all the existing links between users. The tracker contains all the torrent files, and it ensures their dissemination and communication between them during the file-sharing. Tracker only manages connections, but does not contain the files themselves, participating in an exchange. It only provides customers with the torrent file-sharing information about the participants, ie is the link between them.

Torrent client

Torrent client - a program that allows file sharing possible via BitTorrent.


Download - download files from the participants sharing on your computer.


Upload - Transfer files from your computer to other file-sharing participants.


Peer - a user who participates in file sharing.


Seeder - user participating in file sharing, which has been downloaded and is fully ready to distribute the files that make up the hand.


Leecher - users participating in file sharing, but does not own the full versions of files that make up the hand. He download handed out pieces of the files downloaded at the same time giving to others. Once fully downloaded Leecher components distribution files, it becomes a seeder. The term is often used in the negative sense that it has in other p2p-networks: a user who pays far less than the download.


Uploader - the initiator of the file-sharing, the user who created the torrent on the tracker and becoming, in most cases, the first seeder.


Ratio - the ratio of transmitted information to the downloaded (upload / download). If you want to download the information to others, be sure to participate in its dissemination. Actually, doing this does not need anything - just turn off the torrent client until the ratio of equalized ratio. This will help other users to download from you, they, in turn, help you download from them. Keep in mind, if you'll just have to swing, the administration will prevent the use of the tracker. In what ratio is referred to as rating.


The announcement - it's business address (URL) contained in the torrent file and use a torrent client to communicate with the tracker. You will need it only if you decide to create a torrent. To upload files to a distribution indicate the announcement of the tracker in the box torrent client.


Passkey - a unique key (appended to the URL in the announcement of the torrent file), appointed by the tracker for a user account, which helps the tracker to identify the user in the file-sharing. This user ID (username / password), but not IP-address. It can be changed to another in your profile.


DHT (Distributed Hash Table) - a protocol that allows clients to decentralized file-sharing (no tracker).
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07-06-2012, 08:36 PM пользователем ReFORMAToR.)
07-06-2012, 08:17 PM
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ReFORMAToR Не на форуме
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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
Учетная запись пользователя (The user account)

Why register?

This is a public tracker with its rules and orders, where only registered users are allowed to participate in file-sharing.

I can not register! What is it?

Use only the Latin letters and numbers (no special characters) in the login and password. Make sure that Cookies are enabled. If the registration form generated an error that you do not qualify for the site, it means that you mentioned are not all the checkboxes on the registration form (the rules of the agreement, "I am over 12 years").

I registered an account but can not get the confirmation E-mail.

Letters, unfortunately, some do not reach. Rather, they reach up to the provider, but often the provider may find it and delete spam email. Check your spam folder. If there is no letter, contact the administrators of the tracker.

I can not log on the tracker!

Check if you have Cookies, and make sure that the cache is not full of add. In the case of overflow the cache, close all Internet Explorer windows and open Internet Options in Control Panel. Click on "Delete« Cookie ». This should help. If you are using another browser, we do everything by analogy.

I forgot my password! Could you please send it to me?

Contact the tracker by writing to support [the dog] metal-tracker.com.

Can you rename my account?

We do not rename accounts.

How do I delete my account?

Send a request to E-mail, which is specified in the registration and account will be deleted.

How do I attach avatar / picture to my account?

If you open the settings of your account, you can specify a link to your avatar. Maximum avatar size should not exceed 100 x 100 points.
What the Reputation and how it is?

Reputation - a recognition of merit by other visitors to the tracker.

Reputation is as follows:
Репутацию не стал описывать, потому что мой перевод может отличаться от оригинальных "Репутаций", поэтому пока-что не пишу сюда ничего

Reputation is updated every time someone comes to your page (Profile).
Технические аспекты и особенности интерфейса трекера (Technical aspects and features of the interface tracker)

Can I use any bittorrent client?

We recommend the following types of customers: - uTorrent (the best) Azureus (Java) KTorrent (Linux) - Do not use ABC, BitSpirit, Opera, bittorrent client alpha or beta versions.

How can I correct the situation with a low rating?

There are several ways: not to stop file-sharing after downloading and distribution, in general, as long as possible to be available for transmission / reception, choose a popular torrent, download them and helping to distribute, download the "gold" torrents and participate in their seeding, upload to the tracker that-its something that would be interesting to others;

Why is my current IP-address is displayed on my profile page?

IP-address is only visible to you personally, since you are the owner of the account, as well as the administration of the tracker. Third-party users can not see this information.

Why in the torrent details in the "Connection" in front of my nickname "No"?

The tracker has determined that your firewall (Firewall), or NAT (Network Address Translation) you use to block the file sharing port, and you can not make the connection. This means that other users can not connect to you and only you to them. To solve this problem, open the ports used for incoming connections (the same as defined in your torrent client) on your firewall and / or configure your NAT-server. (Refer to the documentation for your router or on a forum vendor). Check port access is possible for [url = http://www.whatsmyip.org/ports/] this address. [/ Url]

(ВВкоды оставлял как есть)

I've finished or canceled a download / torrent distribution. Why is my profile, it still appears?

Some clients, notably TorrentStorm and Nova Torrent, do not send the message to the server on completion or stop downloads. In that case the tracker will be waiting for messages from your torrent client, and display information about what you are downloading or seeding for a while. Do not pay attention, some time after all torrents disappear from the list of your active torrents.

Why is it sometimes in my profile see torrents I'm not leeching?

When you start a torrent session, the tracker uses a passkey to identify the user. Maybe someone stole / found your passkey. Be sure to change it in your profile if you suddenly discover that. Note that after changing passkeya you have to pump all the active torrents.

Can I login from different computers at the same time (multiple IP)?

Yes, the tracker is now capable of following sessions from different IP-addresses for one user. Torrent is associated with the user at a time when it starts downloading, and just at this moment is the IP relevant. So, if you want to seed / leech from computer A and computer B with the same account, you'll need to login to the site from computer A, start the download, and then do the same with computer B (2 computers are used for illustrative purposes only , there is no limit to the number. Above all, both steps on each computer). You do not need to login again when you close the client.

How do I find the torrent ID?

Every torrent file on the tracker has a reference type http://btr.kz/details.php?id=XXXXX, figures and mean the end of ID.

And what does the sign near the torrent file, and what are the criteria for its publication?

This icon means that torrents 'gold', that is, if you download it / give, you will be considered only Upload. Download the same will not be counted. Assign a "gold" for the torrent can only be an administrator.
Скачивание (Download)

How to download?

Download the torrent file, then open the torrent client and specify a location to save downloaded files. Respect the other members do not stop file sharing and seeding until it aligns the rating, namely, the ratio of received and given (registration is visually in a torrent client).

Torrent client stopped to download!

Stop the torrent file-sharing client, and then close it. Reset the connection to the tracker in your profile, delete the torrent file from your computer and change the torrent file (again, download the browser) to the tracker. Open this file in your torrent client, do a forced hash check the directory location for additional loading files and run the file-sharing. If this method does not give effect, repeat all the previous points, after dropping the passkey in the profile.

Prohibitions on downloading (Access Denied).

See with what user groups exist on the tracker and with the limits for these groups. Also, check that the torrent client has been specified port over 15,000.

Why do my downloads for a long time remain at 99%?

Do you already downloaded quite a number of fragments, and a torrent client is trying to find users who have pieces that you have not downloaded or downloaded with errors. Therefore, loading can sometimes stay in the moment before the end of only a few percent. Bear with me, and soon the torrent client you hit all the missing pieces. Also, a glitch may occur on some torrent clients.

The torrent is 100MB. How could I download the 120MB?

See the previous paragraph. If your client receives a fragment with errors, it redownload this fragment. Thus, the total downloaded may be larger than the torrent size.

Why is a torrent that was just active, suddenly disappeared?

It may be several reasons: torrent does not fit the Rules and Administration of the tracker has been removed; uploader deleted it himself, as it turned out that it was a bad release (most likely it will be replaced by another); Torrents are automatically deleted after a certain period of time.
Заливка и сидирование (Creating a Torrent file and seeding)

How to seed?

To create a torrent, you can use a torrent client or a specialized program (uTorrent). After creation, place the torrent file (using the form) to the tracker. Then you must remove the torrent file from your computer and download your own, already posted on the tracker, the torrent file. The file will be different from the original, because when you create the torrent passkey will generate its own account. The original torrent file will not be able to use because it does not contain any information identifying the account. And finally, check the directory location and start seeding in your torrent client to file-sharing has started, and displayed on the torrent tracker.

How do I distribute the publication to correct errors or inaccuracy in the description of the formation of it?

In the release, with a description and technical data on the distribution there is a link "Edit", available releasers. Click on it to go into edit mode description.

I have exactly the same file as that of the seeders. Can I connect to the seeding?

If you want to help someone with the distribution, and you feel that you have the exact same file (s) as a seed, you will first need to check their size. First go to the page with the torrent file and check what size distribution, in bytes, and then check the size of your file (s). If the sizes match byte for byte, then rename your file (s) in accordance with the original distribution, download the torrent file to upload and specify a location to save the location of your file (s). Torrent client will hash check and will be on the seeding.
Работа с клиентом µTorrent (Рекомендуемый) & Вопросы и Ответы

(Working with the client uTorrent (Recommended) & Questions and Answers)

Where to download uTorrent?

From the official site

How Russify uTorrent?

From the official site, download "Language pack". Next, move the file to a folder with an executable exe Utorrent. After starting the client, if necessary he will take it to the folder settings. In the settings tab "General" to select "Language": "Russian", press "OK" at the bottom and restart the client.

How do I move an active download to another folder?

Click the right mouse click on the instructions of the torrent and choose "Advanced" -> "Upload to" and specify the path to the displaced files. Setting the client must be stopped

Преступления и наказания (Crime and Punishment)

Warning the user.

If you violate the rules of conduct on the tracker, you get a warning in the personal message. If the user does not take steps to correct their behavior, can lock your account for some time, and if repeated violations and relapses, complete BAN.

Blocking account.
Blocking profile without deleting your account and block IP-address. Unlock the account can be a moderator or administrator tracker.

Blocking account.

Blocking with the removal of your account. Learn about the reasons for the ban may be in the appropriate forum thread. Unlock Your account may only administration of the tracker.
На этом всё! Ставьте лайки за труды xD
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 07-06-2012, 11:29 PM пользователем ReFORMAToR.)
07-06-2012, 10:36 PM
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kersan Не на форуме

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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
доброе дело сделал!
[Изображение: 736763_m.jpg]
07-07-2012, 01:32 AM
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ReFORMAToR Не на форуме
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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
(07-07-2012, 01:32 AM)kersan Писал(а): доброе дело сделал!

Спасибо! Побеспокоился об Ангоговорящих пользователях, коих не мало нынче тут
07-07-2012, 02:40 AM
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Nihilist Не на форуме
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

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RE: [Предложение] Добавить Eng-справку и правила чата
Ну так добавили это к справке?
07-09-2012, 04:05 PM
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