Posting Freak
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Темы: 8
У нас с: Jan 2014
The future of our music...
...... our idols are getting older...... METALLICA, MAIDEN, JUDAS, KISS, SPRINGSTEEN, OZZY...... are more or less in fight with some kind of health trouble...... Tony Iommi, Brian May...... or are already dead...... Lemmy, Dio, David Bowie......
the headliners of big tours or festivals are always the same (old) names...... but, what about the future of our music ??
can we, nowadays, look at some young band and say "this will be the next legend" ?? is it still possible, for a young band, in the music business of today, to become a legend, touring all over the world, filling the big arenas and stay on charts longer than one sesson ??
our future will be ruled by rappers, hip-hoppers and pop-R&B bitches ?? rock 'n' roll will become older and older and will go to die ?? or it will come back to its primal underground dimension ??
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10-23-2016, 08:13 PM пользователем tears_of_fire.)
10-23-2016, 07:57 PM |
RE: The future of our music...
I don't see it that way, most of the lesser known bands or newer bands get introduced to big crowds through festivals that are headlined by the remaining huge successful bands, but once these bands stop playing, I think other bands will be there to headline, I mean there are still new bands that are getting headlines and are getting on charts and making good music. There will always be bands that grow old, artists that die, but there will also always be new artists that will appear, maybe you don't see it now, but sooner or later it will happen, and maybe you don't see it because some of them play a different style than what you like, or because the most popular styles are not your favourites so you might be missing on them.
10-24-2016, 08:39 AM |
RE: The future of our music...
Welp, there will always be some great bands that you can consider as headliners, but we must always take into consideration that everything is a product of its time. Of course nowadays there are bands that sound like the older ones, but they do not correspond to the needs of the current audience (not all metalheads are over 40 years old). You can reproduce old Iron Maiden's sound, but it won't be as cool as it was in the 80's (for the mainstream audience, I mean). It will be appreciated by a part of it, though. And concerning the newer bands, the trends and the change this music is always going through, you can say "fuck Slipknot" (and I guess you're right), but they just happened to exist at a time the audience needed this kind of sound, like it or not. Metal will never die, but it will always experience change, while leaving behind some real gems defining its specific eras.
10-24-2016, 03:39 PM |
Posting Freak
Сообщений: 1,255
Темы: 8
У нас с: Jan 2014
RE: The future of our music...
personally, if it's good music, I don't give a shit of generes, labels or definitions...... if it's good music, it's good music...... metal, pop, country or electronic, and I enjoy it (even SLIPKNOT......)
but, my questions, are particularly about metal or rock or, even more in general, some music made by three or four guys with guitars, drums and a lot of sweat and passion
I mean...... going beyond the various generes and personal tastes, I'm pretty sure that we all agree that in the second half of the past century there have been a lot of names that have made the HISTORY of rock...... names as JIMI HENDRIX, QUEEN, DAVID BOWIE, BLACK SABBATH, DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN, IRON MAIDEN, KISS...... but these guys are also already dead or with a foot that is slipping into the grave......
I agree that, nowadays, there are a lot of good bands, great bands surely...... but, I wonder again: now that all is already said an done and written and listened, it will be possible for our music to have some new page of history written by the next new generation of rock legends ??
10-24-2016, 08:51 PM |
Junior Member
Сообщений: 46
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У нас с: Apr 2014
RE: The future of our music...
(10-24-2016, 08:51 PM)tears_of_fire Писал(а): personally, if it's good music, I don't give a shit of generes, labels or definitions...... if it's good music, it's good music...... metal, pop, country or electronic, and I enjoy it (even SLIPKNOT......) 
but, my questions, are particularly about metal or rock or, even more in general, some music made by three or four guys with guitars, drums and a lot of sweat and passion 
I mean...... going beyond the various generes and personal tastes, I'm pretty sure that we all agree that in the second half of the past century there have been a lot of names that have made the HISTORY of rock...... names as JIMI HENDRIX, QUEEN, DAVID BOWIE, BLACK SABBATH, DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN, IRON MAIDEN, KISS...... but these guys are also already dead or with a foot that is slipping into the grave......
I agree that, nowadays, there are a lot of good bands, great bands surely...... but, I wonder again: now that all is already said an done and written and listened, it will be possible for our music to have some new page of history written by the next new generation of rock legends ?? 
Tears of fire you sound like a typical "old guy". Yeah, you grow up listening to those bands, I understand. But generation before you also said "what happend to good ol music" and will there be future. Same as you are talking now. Like Mistressofdecay said. Time change, people change and so does music. In 10 years i will also say same stuff as you do now.
And yes, those bands that you have named are part of history and they have made history. Same as bands before them and same as bands from my generation will.
To awnser your question. Yes there will. You cant see it because you grow up listening to those bands same as your parents or grandparents grow up on some other music.
10-27-2016, 05:50 AM |
RE: The future of our music...
As long as there is good music in any genre its all good. There is good rap out there, there is good pop music out there and so on. Lots of genres are good unless its the usual mass produced mainstream trash. Metal or Rock wont go anywhere.
Of course some young band of today will become legends in the future, they will become legends to upcoming generations and not so much to you and i, depending on our age i guess. Its normal for people who where in their 20's when Metallica and Maiden and others were at their peak not to see new young bands as potential legends and you never know, by that time some people might get out of listening to Metal and Rock. Cant say what future brings, thats the best part about it.
All i know is that i like good music and dont limit my self to just Metal
10-27-2016, 12:06 PM |
Posting Freak
Сообщений: 1,255
Темы: 8
У нас с: Jan 2014
RE: The future of our music...
(10-27-2016, 05:50 AM)vintersorg25 Писал(а): Tears of fire you sound like a typical "old guy". Yeah, you grow up listening to those bands, I understand. But generation before you also said "what happend to good ol music" and will there be future. Same as you are talking now. Like Mistressofdecay said. Time change, people change and so does music. In 10 years i will also say same stuff as you do now.
And yes, those bands that you have named are part of history and they have made history. Same as bands before them and same as bands from my generation will.
To awnser your question. Yes there will. You cant see it because you grow up listening to those bands same as your parents or grandparents grow up on some other music.
Please, call me just Tears, it's enough
I sound like an "old guy" (maybe with my tattoos and colored beard I'm not so "typical"......) because I AM AN OLD GUY
I want to say it again: I listen to every kind of music and I enjoy every kind of old and new music, and I was not talking about "good or not good music"...... what I can't see nowadays is somethig destined to last longer than a couple of years...... today all (and so also music) is use-and-throw-away...... I can't see (let me say, in general, not only in rock and metal, but also in the main...MAIN...stream music) any band or singer or song that I can say "fuck! this one will leave a serious mark in the music history"...... and maybe, as you say, it's because I'm an old guy...... but, believe me, I'm surely an old guy, but I'm also a guy that looks at the present and to the future with the will to find something REALLY new and REALLY surprising (if you take a look at what I download on the tracker, you will see that I'm pretty open minded)...... but, with some very small exception, I listen to a lot of new young bands, but finding always the same music...... the same GOOD and FUNNY and GREAT music, but the SAME OLD music...... well...... no problem...... I'll keep on listening and searching, from the big old classic to the new sensation of the day
10-27-2016, 07:33 PM |
Junior Member
Сообщений: 46
Темы: 2
У нас с: Apr 2014
RE: The future of our music...
(10-27-2016, 07:33 PM)tears_of_fire Писал(а): (10-27-2016, 05:50 AM)vintersorg25 Писал(а): Tears of fire you sound like a typical "old guy". Yeah, you grow up listening to those bands, I understand. But generation before you also said "what happend to good ol music" and will there be future. Same as you are talking now. Like Mistressofdecay said. Time change, people change and so does music. In 10 years i will also say same stuff as you do now.
And yes, those bands that you have named are part of history and they have made history. Same as bands before them and same as bands from my generation will.
To awnser your question. Yes there will. You cant see it because you grow up listening to those bands same as your parents or grandparents grow up on some other music.
Please, call me just Tears, it's enough 
I sound like an "old guy" (maybe with my tattoos and colored beard I'm not so "typical"......) because I AM AN OLD GUY 
I want to say it again: I listen to every kind of music and I enjoy every kind of old and new music, and I was not talking about "good or not good music"...... what I can't see nowadays is somethig destined to last longer than a couple of years...... today all (and so also music) is use-and-throw-away...... I can't see (let me say, in general, not only in rock and metal, but also in the main...MAIN...stream music) any band or singer or song that I can say "fuck! this one will leave a serious mark in the music history"...... and maybe, as you say, it's because I'm an old guy...... but, believe me, I'm surely an old guy, but I'm also a guy that looks at the present and to the future with the will to find something REALLY new and REALLY surprising (if you take a look at what I download on the tracker, you will see that I'm pretty open minded)...... but, with some very small exception, I listen to a lot of new young bands, but finding always the same music...... the same GOOD and FUNNY and GREAT music, but the SAME OLD music...... well...... no problem...... I'll keep on listening and searching, from the big old classic to the new sensation of the day 
OK, Tears 
First, I didnt say how you look but how you sound and Im not commenting your taste in music, what you like or what genre you listen. Im commenting your post.
This one:
"I mean...... going beyond the various generes and personal tastes, I'm pretty sure that we all agree that in the second half of the past century there have been a lot of names that have made the HISTORY of rock...... names as JIMI HENDRIX, QUEEN, DAVID BOWIE, BLACK SABBATH, DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN, IRON MAIDEN, KISS...... but these guys are also already dead or with a foot that is slipping into the grave...... I agree that, nowadays, there are a lot of good bands, great bands surely...... but, I wonder again: now that all is already said an done and written and listened, it will be possible for our music to have some new page of history written by the next new generation of rock legends"
There will always be new artists that will make history in music, no matter what genre. Every generation will say "music in my time was the best" I know i will say it in 10 years or so. You worry too much. Just enjoy music. Listen too new, old, what ever you like.
10-27-2016, 08:26 PM |
Posting Freak
Сообщений: 1,255
Темы: 8
У нас с: Jan 2014
RE: The future of our music...
(10-27-2016, 08:26 PM)vintersorg25 Писал(а): OK, Tears 
First, I didnt say how you look but how you sound and Im not commenting your taste in music, what you like or what genre you listen. Im commenting your post
There will always be new artists that will make history in music, no matter what genre. Every generation will say "music in my time was the best" I know i will say it in 10 years or so. You worry too much. Just enjoy music. Listen too new, old, what ever you like.
I'm not so worried as it seems  and my tattoos and my colored beard were a joke (even if I'm actually colored and tattooed  )
But, I'm sorry to repeat it: I was not saying anything about "my times" or "what was best" and "what now is worst"...... I was talking about something I can call "significant"...... there are around a lot of good bands and singers (rock or not) that are making a lot of GOOD GREAT MUSIC, but, at the end of the day, are something that, FOR ME, is surely good but also pretty UNsignificant...... good, but without a real "weight"...... and, yeah, I agree with you, this is because I'm a little bit (  ) old...... when you're a kid, everything for you is YEAH GREAT FUKING GOOD BAND AWESOME MOTHERFUCKING MUSIC...... right?!  growing older means, between the other things, to develope some kind of "critical sense" and, using it, you will develope your personal taste, that makes you able to separate what you like from what you don't, in more or less deep senses...... well...... I'm opend minded, I enjoy a lot of good music and, in the end, I enjoy also a lot of bad music  but, with my old-guy-critical-sense-personal-taste, well, I find a lot of good music and bands that probably tomorrow no one will remember...... anyway......
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 10-27-2016, 08:57 PM пользователем tears_of_fire.)
10-27-2016, 08:56 PM |