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У нас с: Jul 2014
RE: Our beginning with metal music
Start in 2004 with Rammstein, Helloween, Judas Priest. Those were my favorites bands in the beginning, now I love black metal as Windir, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, etc. but to be honest ill listen to just about anything metal
04-12-2016, 11:21 PM |

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У нас с: Mar 2012
RE: Our beginning with metal music
It was 2005, I was 12 Years Old and most of the music I really listened to was Jazz, Classical, Classic Rock and Mexican Ranchera, since my parents mostly only played those on the house stereo, four genres I actually still listen to and enjoy, but that are not my favorite, but that was it, I never got into Pop music of the era and we didn't have pay TV so I couldn't casually get into MTV to see what new music I could listen to, and I thought there was never going to be any other Genre that would make me feel any different than what i already listened to or make me want to look for new music.... boy was I wrong.
One day I was coming home from school, it was a wednesday, I live in Mexico City and that day near my house a Tianguis is always up (It's an open-air market that is only up certain days on the street), I usually had some extra money that day since my mother often asked me to buy some fruit, vegetables or meat for dinner, and on my way looking for groceries I passed by a cassette selling stand, and saw a curious looking cassette with a pretty cool cover. I used to play a lot of computer games, some of which I enjoyed most were old RPGs, and that cover looked just like out of one!, out of curiosity I bought it, thinking... well the cover is cool, and so I came back home, after dinner I took my tape player and put the cassette on, at first it was weird, I heard.... wind?, it was like someone had recorded wind on this cassette, strange..., I thought, but kept on listening, then notes out of a synthetizer... is this some of that new wave stuff? I thought, and then it came, the sound of guitar, bass, drums and a voice, a voice that would forever be ingrained on my ears, I had heard Classic Rock before, I liked it a lot, but this was different, powerful, it packed a punch, i knew i had found a new thing to listen to, this cassette contained Dio's Holy Diver Album.
I listened to it till the end, then found out there was a previous song to that which I listened to first by rewinding, relistened to it all, I was dumbfounded, this, what is this?, Heavy Metal that was, and that day I found my favorite genre of all, since then I discovered and wandered through all of it's branches, and found new sounds to enjoy, It all started with Dio's Holy Diver.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 04-19-2016, 08:16 PM пользователем SnakeHebi.)
04-19-2016, 08:14 PM |

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У нас с: Aug 2015
RE: Our beginning with metal music
Well, I found a tape and the only song it has was Chains of Misery by Iron Maiden. I thought it was the best thing I would ever listen to. Then later I watched Into the Pit Fight's video in an old tv show called Kliptonita (Brasil). That's how I started my long journey that will never end.
04-19-2016, 10:11 PM |

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У нас с: Jun 2016
RE: Our beginning with metal music
When I was around 10ish, I (probably) got interested in a well known band (Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, stuff like that) and from there went on to find 80's metal. I stopped listening to metal after a few years, but then a random video on YouTube had Vodka by Korpiklaani in it, and ever since then I've been listening to metal almost exclusively.
07-09-2016, 12:17 AM |

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У нас с: Aug 2016
RE: Our beginning with metal music
My first true appreciation of music happened with the discovery of Opeth, in 2002.
I come from a family with absolutely no propension for music, so it was not until I was 17 years old, when I had my first job, that I discovered metal. I used to work at Subway, and one of my coworkers was a cool black-clothed girl, and a die-hard fan of Opeth. She talked about their music as if it were the most wonderful thing on Earth. Out of sheer desire to share something with her, because, y'a know, she was so cool and I wanted her as a friend, I bought the then latest Opeth Album, Deliverance.
I was really out of my element, as I was used to the pop music that played on the radio. I never had heard growls before, and therefore I had some accustoming to do. I instinctively preferred the song A fair Judgement because of its clean vocals. I remember being literally enthralled by it, its power of evocation, prose and imagery. It's where it all started. I ended up loving the entire album, buying the next one, and then learned to download music with Morpheus song by song...
That was back in the days!
08-12-2016, 07:17 AM |
RE: Our beginning with metal music
Mm all I ever heard since I have memory was new age music  (Enya, Era, Andreas Vollenweider, Vangelis, etc) because thats what my parents always listen to, apart from the pop music and national rock that are always playing on the radio. For one of those weird occurrences, when I was something like 13 or 14 y/o my older cousin gave my dad a Nightwish album for his birthday, and he played it in the car way home. He obviously hated it but I fell in love, it was so dark and beautiful and different from what I was used to. So then I started listening to Epica, Draconian, Summoning, Kamelot, Sonata Artica, Arch Enemy, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth.. Then Rammstein, Tool, Maximum the Hormone, Deftones, some experimental metal, other genres too like Dead Can Dance, Laibach, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Swans, Nine Inch Nails, Placebo...
08-19-2016, 06:01 AM |
RE: Our beginning with metal music
I guess I got started because my dad used to listen to metal with me in the car as a kid. He's not like a metal dad, but he still liked the music a lot, so I grew up with it. But I really got into metal when I was 10 or 11 or so, when I discovered Sonata Arctica (cheesy I know), and fell in love with them. I got into a bunch of Finnish folk and death metal from that (14-16 was nothing but Ensiferum and Norther fanboying). I kept branching out from that, I listen to a lot of stuff now, but I always have a soft spot for folk, power, and symphonic bands.
10-08-2016, 01:52 PM |