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Search dead or alive somethimes doesn´t work?
Sir Smokealot
Search dead or alive somethimes doesn´t work?
High Folks!
Somethimes the Search doesn´t work. active or dead, doesen´t matter. And if you wanna search by Style and the you go to Rock and the Southern Rock/Stoner Rock you will get and error.
Awesome Site guys! only wanna report a bug and wanna help too make the Place her too a better one like is was if this is possible. Namaste!
Thx a lot from Sir Smokealot cu haph phun n rock on from Dusk till Dawn!
Greetz from Austria!
Google Translation :/
Высокие люди!
Somethimes Поиск не работает. активный или мертв, doesen't вопросу. И если вы хотите Поиск по стилю и вы идете в рок-н-Southern Rock / Stoner Rock вы получите и ошибок.
Потрясающие парни сайт! Только хочу Сообщить об ошибке, и хотят помочь тоже делают место ее тоже лучше один подобное было, если это возможно. Namaste!
Greetz из Австрии!
Thx много от сэра Smokealot Cu haph Phun на рок-н-от заката до рассвета!
The Problem was... i wanted to upload something... i search... nothing found.. cool something i have 2 share with all of you. Then when it is up on similar i find it. Discography. Duplicate. Thats why i report this bug. i deleted about 3 Albums in couse of this.
Thx n cu
08-13-2013, 06:39 PM |

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У нас с: Jun 2012
RE: Search dead or alive somethimes doesn´t work?
(08-14-2013, 10:40 AM)Nihilist Писал(а): all works. Give an example of an error request. search by stoner/desert rock works, checked now
Here is an example;
recently my torrent was deleted because it was found out that it was a double upload.
But if you would search for "Hexenhaus" you would get: Torrents not found.
Even though at least one already exists:
The search engine must be bugged in some way or another ...
10-31-2014, 04:42 PM |

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У нас с: Dec 2014
RE: Search dead or alive somethimes doesn´t work?
I have noticed the same. For example i search "The Body - I Shall Die Here" and get no results. However if i search only "The Body" i see on the results the album "I Shall Die Here'' which is not a dead torrent. That is making searching very difficult especially with common name bands/albums.
12-26-2014, 10:43 PM |
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