Brandon Storm
Junior Member
Сообщений: 14
Темы: 3
У нас с: Oct 2013
Reporting poor uploads - Is there a way?
Hello my English speaking friends.
So, a little while back I came across a discography that I was quite excited to download.
After waiting for (what seemed like) an eternity for seeders to come on and for the download to finish, I was met with quite a shock in seeing that there were missing tracks!
In fact, nearly every album was missing at least one track!
Now, I'm sure many of you understand how hard it is to find a lot of these rare, underground releases, so this was greatly disappointing.
I contacted the user with a list of tracks that were missing, they shouted at me in Russian, and that was the end of it. No solution. And unfortunately, the downloading persists with many people now getting an incomplete collection. If influence makes a difference, I'm a new user, this person is a highly ranked power user of some kind.
Enter me and my first upload.
I took it upon myself to scour the world wide web and track down all that was missing and upload myself (if you want something done right, eh?).
However, in a cruel twist of fate, it has been rejected due to being too similar to the messy, incomplete discography already uploaded.
Now, since the upload is randomly assigned to mods from the queue, I'm not sure who to message about this issue. Nor am I aware of any way to report a torrent as being incomplete or incorrect, or just generally explain the situation.
Is there a way to do any of this? Is there a solution here? Or should I just cram my upload where the sun doesn't shine and relegate the community to the other discography?
tl;dr Found a poor quality discography, uploaded a better one, but rejected for being too similar to the poor one. What can I do?
Thanks for the help guys!
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 02-02-2014, 05:31 PM пользователем Brandon Storm.)
02-02-2014, 05:17 PM |
RE: Reporting poor uploads - Is there a way?
In this situation, you should write "private message" any administrator and bring those arguments that you quoted in your post. Your position is absolutely correct. If you did discography higher quality than the existing discography, moderator should not prevent its emergence on the tracker.
02-02-2014, 11:32 PM |
Brandon Storm
Junior Member
Сообщений: 14
Темы: 3
У нас с: Oct 2013
RE: Reporting poor uploads - Is there a way?
(02-02-2014, 11:32 PM)djurassic Писал(а): In this situation, you should write "private message" any administrator and bring those arguments that you quoted in your post. Your position is absolutely correct. If you did discography higher quality than the existing discography, moderator should not prevent its emergence on the tracker.
I think the issue is that I was trying to upload AND report at the same time.
So, while I kept waiting for my upload to be moderated, it was constantly being rejected for the similarity, all the while my PM to whatever adminstrator was left unread in the mean time. So I sort of had to keep resubmitting, and keep messaging until the stars aligned and the message was read first, and the torrent was moderated second.
(02-03-2014, 12:19 AM)GraveOzz Писал(а): Your problem is very usual. Personally, has happened to me a couple of times; missing tracks, fake bitrate or transcode bitrate.
Most of the times is by an ''uploader'' rank user. As they don't have to send their uploads to moderation, they can literally add anything to his uploads.
It's not always but it happens often. You should contact an Administrator and send him a message. (:
It's all worked out now, thanks for the suggestions!
And if anyone is curious, you can check out the upload here: Click me. (side note: it's my first torrent I've ever made, if you downloaded it just so I could see if it works, I'd really appreciate it!).
I just wish there was an easier way to report things without just sending private messages.
I know for the most part you can just rely on "thanks", "comments" and "rating", but again that was not the case here. It was rated highly, had many thanks, near 400 downloads, and not a peep from anyone regarding it's missing tracks, etc., except for my own comment on the page, and the user saying some things in Russian. I think in the end, the administrator I messaged about it had to download it themselves just to see.
Certainly some sort of 'report this page' button should be implemented.
Then again, this is my first time reporting one, so perhaps people have other success stories they can share with information on how it was done? Did you just PM the moderator of that page and it worked? Would love to hear more on this.
(Последний раз сообщение было отредактировано 02-03-2014, 04:54 PM пользователем Brandon Storm.)
02-03-2014, 04:53 PM |
RE: Reporting poor uploads - Is there a way?
This has happened to me, found something on here to download, but no seeds, the latest being Lita Ford got rejected because I hadn't put anything in the description, fixed that and then it got rejected because it was a duplicate, Whats the point of trying to fix something by uploading your torrents to fix one that has no seeds, done this a few times on here but never again will I waste my time
02-24-2014, 11:35 AM |