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Rate user button and other forum questions

Icon_question  Rate user button and other forum questions
First of all let me say thank you to all staff and owners(s) for the site Smile3 

English is my native language and I will try to avoid contractions so there is less chance for any confusion.

Rate user button issue:
It does not seem to work in the forums for me. I am not sure if this means it only works in some sections/threads or there is something wrong with either my privileges or maybe the button is broken in the English forum threads.
This following thread is the main one where the rate user option does not work for me...

Preview post full editor:
If I hit preview post and then use the full editor (to add youtube video or whatever), and this can also happen after editing a post that has already been submitted...after submitting the post the forum partially defaults to Russian.
I do understand that the site and tracker are Russian, but if English is the secondary supported language my choice of English for the site should be permanent and not change...is this correct?

The way it is at the moment I sometimes have to go back to the homepage to switch to English again. Maybe there is another button or something around on other pages to switch to English but I have not noticed it  Sad

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope I have not violated any site rules creating this thread Blush
11-22-2016, 08:45 AM

RE: Rate user button and other forum questions
I'm having the same issue with the rate button lately, and I thought it was because of my bad connection, it seems not.

I also agree about the language change, but I have learned to live with it, so it does not bother me a lot anymore.

Cheers for the thread, hope they fix the rating button!! Smile3
11-22-2016, 12:41 PM

RE: Rate user button and other forum questions
Report button does not work either.

There are pages of spam in the Brazilian Metal Bands thread and I cannot report it:
01-09-2017, 02:02 AM


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