1349 - Discography (1999 - 2019)

1349 - Discography (1999 - 2019)
Style:Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.22 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
1349 - Discography (1999 - 2019)
5/5 votes: 82
Added:06/09/2019 16:45:29
Downloaded:3666 (Taken - 6284) Seeded 13 Downloading 3
Last seeded:18/05/2024 02:37:33
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
1999 - Chaos Preferred (Demo) (160-192 kbps)
2001 - 1349 (EP)
2003 - Liberation
2004 - Beyond The Apocalypse
2005 - Hellfire
2009 - Maggot Fetus... Teeth Like Thorns (EP)
2009 - Revelations Of The Black Flame (Limited Edition) (2CD)
2010 - Demonoir (Limited Edition) (2CD)
2011 - Hellvetia Fire (Live)
2014 - Massive Cauldron Of Chaos (Limited Edition)
2019 - Dødskamp (EP)
2019 - Through Eyes of Stone (EP) (128-320 kbps)
2019 - Striding the Chasm & Enter Cold Void Dreaming (New Tracks)
2019 - The Infernal Pathway (Limited Edition)

gOreGolem200, Greywolk, MsEcho, DennFZX, Mannard, shaggath, GaborGrande, Mojtaba, Eztlacuani, VroVero, sethmorley1969, Grandee, pestbeule666, neumann, vicdias, inishev19, KillerbeKilled82, Zyklon1988, kig, DarcRivera, kukuiop, urbanshaman666, ziiminus, rebuscador, Macellaio, iron_man, hammurabi, alex983, rrangel, teuton70, sergio1204, Nitsuga, tjimenez82, etownman1985, HELL 9, ginobosi, Metallisydan, KazumaSato, EMisaelG2, xvostch, -Nachtmahr-, banger, Death984, ArchspireKardasheV, Norfinduil, jamesiron, cyrci-35, LordHeimdall, Theyo, gaul666, MrZodiarche, Hastyrc, Sinisterror, Immortalas, BTThirten, blackivan, H8llfire, nabb, Xavimetal32, Eddie47, Shturm58, hrvth, Sigistrix, izan, Jabukodonosor, Diavelju, manrique, JanneFiH, Vaho, Topimaci66, draht, Бхайрава, FuckYouAsshole, van dooom, drherbey, dave77, nikos6666, snegfly, ohniesensei, fdr1969, Ettenmoor, Abaraggi, Gbl_13, Paul2016, Oboevviktor, cantos, Sumerian_Daemon, wal, METALL STALKER, Tortz, Thronumgoroth, Jupiler, Fjellstraum, E-Voices, Talvinen, uranya, falcon300377, Igor20yan, alucard2991, ierofantis2999, xariton, fkinf300, prepucerobuste, heavenshallburn, wipes, bill4aston, lucifere, ozzy73, firebiker, leper--messiah, Antimaterie, kisoun, kanvey, bnk1101, viking15, darksky2014, Slayerofsouls, fraggelmange, vladoff665, Philthyone, Thunder_HK, EvilynMahadevi, Artscald, tivkiot_bob, KataPy, vader1388, Leprosy974, XYZ000, panos74, Rancid, wanderer73, Metal Jesus, rockhead, Ordinance, Madball74, tears_of_fire, Hellwar, NOISEofdepression, neinta, TVM_75 , rek1989_11, TheDarkLordJJ, fanfan87, War Hammer, Dusan Ivkovic9, Volat777, Draconiis666, evilwinter, alxcsrdbla, morgion, alexey19700, waldemar, rus203, андрюшик, epica93, db415, orphanage, Lasea, Mundo , blizzardbeast, Patlatyi2013, Bestdican, lokiju, Mantoz, LordDanniel, polgara, evilbo666, kascey, sandrolord, grav_tn, muratko, dripfeeder, savmit, fmoura, GOD_zilla, varlam4, ravana, KOTЪ, tobik, Uran72, DeadMort, kukliatka, rus2540, rich74, jared_wanted, kot666, N73, DaveCor, FuneralWolf,


2020-03-24 16:17:03


2020-04-20 19:15:08


2020-06-07 13:07:29


2021-04-10 10:10:28


49  Turkey
2022-01-24 22:57:32

thnx \m/

2023-01-08 15:58:01

Kikik gihapon hangtod sa hangtod

2023-08-10 04:53:29

Thank you

2023-09-21 11:20:15


2024-03-26 08:07:16

a blackened thanks!

2024-05-04 11:23:25

New 2024!


(Official Audio)_______Season Of Mist Records

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