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    Тема: Donation through PayPal?
Сообщение: RE: Donation through PayPal?

How associate the payment with the user? I want to donate in bitcoin but how the site can know which user do the transfer?
netongt Website forums 8 36,981 11-02-2015, 10:22 PM
    Тема: Metal Tracker API? and Headphones app?
Сообщение: RE: Metal Tracker API? and Headphones app?

Could be great. With an API could be possible to use a service to listen the torrents in a streaming like a preview before download.
netongt Website forums 2 10,529 07-23-2016, 05:46 PM
    Тема: Why the site don't use SSL certificate?
Сообщение: Why the site don't use SSL certificate?

Without using HTTPS the login credentials can be easily intercepted. Why don't use at least a free SSL certificate like Let's Encrypt?
netongt Website forums 1 8,551 03-05-2017, 01:51 AM