RE: Our beginning with metal music
(10-04-2012, 09:30 AM)SorgensK Писал(а): Generally my infatuation with metal began at the age 8 years old. My father used to listen to Iron Maiden, Nazerth, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, and other bands flowing with the "Rock" and "Metal" at that stage. At school, my friends listened to the more extreme. So, that is where it became for me. High school it became more aggressive, that wanting, the urge of having and listening to the most extreme possible. Discovering bands like Goatwhore, Gorgoroth, Marduk, Behexen (omg awesome band), Behemoth, Xasthur, Satyricon, Burzum. Black Metal became a part of my living, existence, structure of life. Now I listen to anything that has good beat, metal preferably.
My style in Metal changed, from Pure Black Metal, to Death Metal. Goregrind, Grindcore. I do not look like a metal head though, just a great supporter of the bands, their instrumental capabilities and willingness to share it with the world... It is hard to find that others appreciated it as much as you do? Or you have never met them before. =) that is pretty much my story in a nutshell.
Are you the kind who likes to analyze and dig deeper into style and lyrics? My discovery of extreme metal came later in life after having been raised with classical music, prog rock and some latin american folk. So my journey through extreme metal came later and a little different. I share your admiration for some of the bands you mentioned such as Burzum. Yet I hold others in contempt for how superficial they are, such as Marduk. They are limited to an unoriginal (yes, they just copied a fast-bullet style from others) approach and have lyrics that are utter nonsensical crap. I found myself unable to admire bands with so little intellect. I contrast this to Burzum.
So going back to the previous question, how seriously do you take what you listen to? I ask out of curiosity because many metalheads seem to only look for "oh this sounds fast and aggressive and extreme, yeah!!" and that's it. Or "oh, this sounds old school, it's great", and there is little regard for a band having its own voice, for QUALITY of the lyrics or songwriting.
07-28-2013, 06:48 AM |
RE: Our beginning with metal music
Typical origins for me, started listening to Megadeth in the '80's, however I knew that I was searching for something harder in the early '90's, but I had limited exposure to music where I was from(woodland areas of Northern California). When I was 17 I recorded over a metalica tape using Death Metal vocals, without even knowing Death Metal existed. Two years later, after enlisting in the Navy, I discovered a CD in Guam called Skullcrushers, that started my journey through Metal genres. I currently listen primarily to Gothic/Symphonic Metal, but there are various artists that I've developed an infinity for over the years.
08-06-2013, 03:09 AM |
RE: Our beginning with metal music
(07-28-2013, 06:48 AM)drosales Писал(а): (10-04-2012, 09:30 AM)SorgensK Писал(а): Generally my infatuation with metal began at the age 8 years old. My father used to listen to Iron Maiden, Nazerth, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, and other bands flowing with the "Rock" and "Metal" at that stage. At school, my friends listened to the more extreme. So, that is where it became for me. High school it became more aggressive, that wanting, the urge of having and listening to the most extreme possible. Discovering bands like Goatwhore, Gorgoroth, Marduk, Behexen (omg awesome band), Behemoth, Xasthur, Satyricon, Burzum. Black Metal became a part of my living, existence, structure of life. Now I listen to anything that has good beat, metal preferably.
My style in Metal changed, from Pure Black Metal, to Death Metal. Goregrind, Grindcore. I do not look like a metal head though, just a great supporter of the bands, their instrumental capabilities and willingness to share it with the world... It is hard to find that others appreciated it as much as you do? Or you have never met them before. =) that is pretty much my story in a nutshell.
Are you the kind who likes to analyze and dig deeper into style and lyrics? My discovery of extreme metal came later in life after having been raised with classical music, prog rock and some latin american folk. So my journey through extreme metal came later and a little different. I share your admiration for some of the bands you mentioned such as Burzum. Yet I hold others in contempt for how superficial they are, such as Marduk. They are limited to an unoriginal (yes, they just copied a fast-bullet style from others) approach and have lyrics that are utter nonsensical crap. I found myself unable to admire bands with so little intellect. I contrast this to Burzum.
So going back to the previous question, how seriously do you take what you listen to? I ask out of curiosity because many metalheads seem to only look for "oh this sounds fast and aggressive and extreme, yeah!!" and that's it. Or "oh, this sounds old school, it's great", and there is little regard for a band having its own voice, for QUALITY of the lyrics or songwriting.
I also share yours admiration for Burzum, but I don't share the last opinion about Marduk. First of all it's only my opinion and maybe a matter of taste that can be different inside the same genre, but, althought for some album you are right, they have composed some album that I found original look like opus nocturne first of all and nightwing. Also panzer divsion, that's true, there are similar albums from others band but I found it very well constructed if you look for an album of that kind, in the end I found you right in your opinion about re-making more ep in this style due to the album success by Marduk themselves. And since mortuus enjoyed the band they tryed to create something new...in my opinion they can do better but they don't remained completely in the same style..!
For your second opinion I agree totally with you! I think most of the band are influenced each others, but for some bands this is not synonymous of coping each others, they just listen, appreciate athmospheres, concepts, riff, but after that they try to make its own album with its own thinking and riff...for this band listenig others albums is just making his experience, ability to compose ecc more large and not copying! But for others band, expecially with the standard phrases that you expose, the situation is different and they remain in a style (or better in a way to make a kind of music) that is always the same quite as if a genre were dead and there aren't possible others way to play it but just that way...! But I think there are always ways to play a genre!
In the end I speak about the main tread, I begun to listen metal at 14 years old. Before that I used to listen hardcore punk and oi, because my brother (5 years older than me) collected a large number of that kind of cd. I liked it but althought I still enjoy it, is not a genre that I can call "mine", but maybe it prepared me to look for something that I will really appreciate and that was metal. At 14 I begun with the classics (slayer, iron maiden, blind guardian) and some nu metal (slipknot, rob zombie) and also I looked for other band/genres of metal, which in some cases I enjoyed and in others not. Now since more or less 5 years I am listening most of all black metal! That's because I like extreme music and because I think that black metal have a large sub-genres variety and to found the best (for your own taste) in this genre, you have to spend time, but in that way you can find very good band!
08-06-2013, 03:55 PM |
RE: Our beginning with metal music
When I was a little tyke I use to bother my older relatives; siblings, cousins and their friends when they would gather in my grandfather's garage to light up. To keep me quiet they would give me bribes including tapes of music completely different from the glam rock that was all over the radio. I was religiously listening to bands like Possessed, Sarcofago, Celtic Frost when i was 9-10 cause all the big cool kids had their hair long and wore clothes covered these bands. When you're nine you want to be grown and when you're grown you want to be nine again...
I enjoy the black/doom the most these days but that old-school thrash brings back memories of patches, leather jackets in the Texas heat, and that smokey garage.
08-10-2013, 09:36 AM |
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У нас с: Nov 2012
RE: Our beginning with metal music
Started out as a thrasher and a short spell into classic Hard Rock was really deep into the 80s retro thrash/Speed (Whiplash, Annihilator, Onslaught, Vio-lence, Xentrix, Flotsam n Jetsam, Exodus etc) i did what i thought to have exhausted every Thrash that there was (how naive) but then came Pantera of whom were then classified as Groove and i dug deep into bands that fell into that category...there wasnt much, rather there wasnt much as good as Pantera.
A mate hooked me up with a DVD with a mixed collection of metal and thats how i got into Industrial (being that i had grown up listening to electronic music)
I did realize there was a whole lot more into Metal and i became very adventurous listening to anything and everything in that label. I fell in love with MDM and Black Metal, enjoyed a bit Middle Eastern Folk, Some African metal bands, Russian Gothic Doom and a whole load of other sub genres BUT being originally a thrasher i had this notion that Glam music was gay music (remember Mustaine saying GLAM = (G)ay (LA) (M)etal) so i had a closed mind about Glam...that was until i stumbled on a couple of WASP videos and i was hooked...i checked the documentaries shot on Glam and realized that Thrasher may have hated on Glam 'cause these lads scored more pussy that an animal orphanage
I've learned to respect metal music but sadly Deathcore has never cut it for me (believe me i have tried) I did a bit of All Shall Perish, Red Cord, Ion Dissonance etc but Chelsea Grin and likes of Suicide Silence i just couldnt. Anyway for each his own, i know a lot of peeps that are really into Deathcore.
08-23-2013, 10:50 AM |

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У нас с: Mar 2012
RE: Our beginning with metal music
I myself started listening to Metal when I was 8, or maybe even before that. Around 8 is when I have my first memory of Metal, when I heard my first Death Metal song, Unleashed - Before the Creation of Time. It's one of my all-time favourites, and can listen to it whenever. Like many of you, my dad was also into Thrash and Heavy Metal. We used to listen to WASP, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, all the great classics. My brother had also been into Metal at that time, listening to bands like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir and Rammstein to name a few. After all that, I learned of Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, and Venom when I was maybe 12 or 13. I found Slayer on my own, and loved it. I found Cannibal Corpse and Venom from my dad, as he occasionally listens to Hammer Smashed Face and Welcome to Hell. Fast forward a few years, I'm now in love with Metal, it's the best genre, in my eyes. With the lyrics having such ferocity and meaning, and having so much controversy, it's hard to not like it. I'm also into any type of Metal, since I've listened to a decent portion of it at a young age and absorbed it all. From Industrial to Black Metal, I listen to all sorts of sub-genres.
08-23-2013, 11:31 PM |
RE: Our beginning with metal music
Was never really into music growing up. My folks were into synthpop, reggae and 80's rock. My Mom was an old punk with an ear for New Romantic music (the natural progression of a lot of early 80's British punks).
I liked some of the synthpop stuff like Ultravox, Q Lazzarus, Soft Cell, Visage etc... but not to the extent I made any attempt to listen to it.
When I was about 14 pop punk became pretty popular Blink 182, Green Day, NoFx, Millencolin, New Found Glory etc... which I listened to and got me into Kerrang and subsequently more rocky stuff like Muse, Nikelback, POD and then I started going to rock nights where Pantera and Rage Against the machine were frequently played. At this time I was also listening to the likes of Eminem (my sisters influence) and Linkin' Park. I like the anger in some of Eminem earlier stuff probably moreso than most of the rock/pop punk I was listening to.
After I left secondary one of my close friends started a band that quickly evolved into a black metal band (he'd been wearing Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir shirts for a while, but I'd never really paid much attention...), around the same time I picked up a copy of Terrorizer magazine on impulse with a CD full of unsigned British acts like Send More Paramedics, Thus Defiled and Skaldic Curse... I was pretty hooked from there. First getting interested in Thrash, then Black Metal and Death Metal. From zero interest I was part time performing vocals with my friends black metal band in about 9 months.
08-24-2013, 12:39 PM |

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У нас с: Dec 2012
RE: Our beginning with metal music
shit, i began with 5 years, father gave me the world wide live album from scorpions, then the next thing was accept metal heart, then metallica, old nazareth,blacksabbath, then with 10 old school death metal, grindcore, brutal death metal like broken hope, cannibal corpse etc.. then i think with 14 i was into dimmu borgir, mayhem, cradle of filth, sfu. i like a lot of genres. now im 35 and still dont get enough of that shit  .
nowadays i hear, primordial, decapitated, marduk, wizard rifle. its so much stuff outthere, cant even remember
metal is modern classic. deep, fulfilling hate.
09-04-2013, 01:29 AM |