Uaral - Discography (1997 - 2007)

Uaral - Discography (1997 - 2007)
Uaral - Discography (1997 - 2007)
Style:Doom Metal
Additional:Folk, Folk Metal
Format:Разный (указан в описании) / Other
Size:369.38 MB
Seeded:thomasdaemon Respect  Antirespect
Uaral - Discography (1997 - 2007)
4.88/5 votes: 80
Added:31/08/2014 01:27:37
Downloaded:4442 (Taken - 3545) Seeded 6 Downloading 2
Last seeded:25/04/2024 03:27:25
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Albums / Альбомы:
1997 - Uaral (Demo) (VBR) (Note: Potrero Grande is missing)
1998 - From the Agony to the Hopelessness (Demo) (VBR)
1998 - Laments (EP) (192Kbps)
2004 - Acidal (Demo) (VBR) (Note: Hacia Monte Largo… is missing.)
2005 - Sounds of Pain (320Kbps)
2007 - Lamentos A Poema Muerto (320Kbps)
Single (There’s no information about this track, but it’s known as a song of Uaral. Release date is also unknown.)


2020-11-06 09:18:55

Uaral Songs, Never Repeated and will repeat in metal history.

2021-02-15 17:55:34

Uaral is real Dark Melancholy 

thanks for share {#victory.gif}

2021-06-15 22:37:22

Muchas Gracias, Maestro.


2021-09-20 17:24:12

Thank you!

2022-08-26 15:13:37

Супер группа то ли из Мексики, то ли из Чили!  Они так же загадочны, как и их уникальная музыка!

2022-09-19 22:27:44

Уже лет 15 их слушаю и никак не надоеедает .Музыка,вокал,атмосфера просто на высоте. Редкая жемчужина в мире мрака. 

2023-03-17 19:28:46

Que belleza poco conocido...asi mejor

2024-03-19 01:57:30


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