Vulvodynia - Discography (2014 - 2024)

Vulvodynia - Discography (2014 - 2024)
Style:Slamming Deathcore
Country:South Africa
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.23 GB
Seeded:DetMoroz Respect  Antirespect
Vulvodynia - Discography (2014 - 2024)
4.94/5 votes: 77
Added:01/11/2014 09:06:51
Downloaded:3641 (Taken - 6585) Seeded 7 Downloading 0
Last seeded:09/03/2025 12:27:34
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
2014 - Lord Of Plagues (EP)
2014 - Cognizant Castigation
2015 - Finis Omnium Ignorantiam
2016 - Psychosadistic Design
2016 - Psychosadistic Design (Instrumental)
2019 - Anthropophagus (EP)
2019 - Mob Justice
2021 - Acrania & Vulvodynia - Societal Lobotomisation (Split EP)
2021 - Praenuntius Infiniti
2022 - Praenuntius Infiniti (Instrumental)
2023 - Mob Justice (Instrumental)
2024 - Entabeni
Bonus ,Other
DanielMisantropo, trymm30, Randomdouchebag, Cliff1, wicked003, Apofis58, carlosrod, zadar48, Mojtaba, sweetP, Marsound, Skarrface94, zajtss, DarkSun, kr1egmetal, Alecei, atlas3728, etownman1985, trupigor, AriaProo, -Nachtmahr-, SK1nner, Beyond_Oblivion, banger, michmaikov, Dimitris1982, H311cr4ft, gaul666, Serg3777, vazdu, kylecore1990, killamall, McalvinoV, BTThirten, blackivan, Skok, Yoha, Yanetix, immortal27, Sigistrix, шапито, paulbarva, Lemartes, havik, daruked, axiopolis, russwwelt, Antichrist Superstar, manrique, JanneFiH, Ebola666, UbuntuMetal, yazvitskiy ef, VSvaleryVS, Danilo daniel, nikos6666, Csacsa77, mooshmer, Piotr93, devilsspleen, suslovod, FePeGe, femt0, soulsuffer666, LambOfGod92, Амита, Thronumgoroth, human rejection, padanin, MASSACRE666, franzmontalvo, xariton, 12E2, metal2015, nusferatus369, lucifere, Rahko, gloves, serj71, zaxa95, Thunder_HK, Artscald, LMX, Goremageddon_ , Visutox, crapouille, Leprosy974, Leo15, JoyOfDeath666, Will1978, Metal Jesus, cyberInFer, LordOfTheWasteland, Brainblast, purplejane231, evR, ninjatmk, masterdavid, romy_vampire, kmfbg, guy8180, piktonus97m, luchito_bc, rek1989_11, thrasher87, p00pd00d, Volat777, venom71, bozhok74, morgion, khonsu, auramorte, Desolate, Stahlreich, waldemar, ZOOLANDER13, TheChristReborn, epica93, FuKt, Lasea, Dinozavr, Veggr, Varg, hfabioh, Corpse Grinder, thrashbanger, KipeLov, brandoncash23, scum1973, Anatoly, Uran72, Джони, kreator1976, Lestat1979, Booyakasha, djoma, kukliatka, rus2540, rich74, KORMETKA, pivi90,


2024-07-05 18:23:34

Thanks for the upload

2024-07-14 23:05:41


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