MasseMord - Discography (2003-2013)
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Albums / Альбомы: 2003-Another Holocaust Rises (Demo) 2003-Silesian Fire (Live) 2004-Hatred Towards Mankind and Life Itself (Demo, Re-Release) 2007-Let the World Burn 2008-The Whore of Hate (224 kbps) 2010-Notes Of Antihate Profound (Ep)(vbr) 2010-The Madness Tongue Devouring Juices of Livid Hope 2013-A Life-giving Power Of Devastation | |
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Boby002, pestbeule666, neumann, Zyklon1988, kr1egmetal, atlas3728, Виктор80, -Nachtmahr-, craine, Svartmetal, Hairetikos, michmaikov, Dimitris1982, metaller92, cyrci-35, alien77, Gnoi, alex89159743308, JanneFiH, Vaho, fdr1969, bootselectric13, Sumerian_Daemon, fkinf300, Krypt14, spezial71, kasbeelpazuzu, MorbiusBDSM, tommert, Thorg, Espero, Artscald, panos74, Thantifaxath, ICheap, Elmeri, p00pd00d, Volat777, morgion, Hellaeon1089, Ratmir, kosmatus, majestas leprosus, caccauk, DarkSpawn, epica93, Lasea, Veggr, gravedigger, KipeLov, evilbo666, djoma, |
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great band tnx for upload
The 2007 and 2008 albums are both "Let the World Burn", so "The Whore of Hate" is missing.
seed please
thank you
Мощь и жесть
2010 - \The Madness Tongue Devouring Juices of Livid Hope\ - Смертелен для прослушивания
Let the World burn!