Asylum on the Hill - Passage to the Puzzle Factory

Asylum on the Hill - Passage to the Puzzle Factory
Asylum on the Hill - Passage to the Puzzle Factory
Style:Stoner Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:135.68 MB
Seeded:ac5820 Respect  Antirespect
Asylum on the Hill - Passage to the Puzzle Factory
4.79/5 votes: 8
Added:01/12/2014 19:55:42
Downloaded:314 (Taken - 355) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/12/2024 19:50:43
Moderation:Moderated by ac5820
Length / Продолжительность: 01:04:14

Tracks / Треклист:
01. I Got You
02. Bad Reputation
03. Go Tell it on the Mountain
04. La Pistola
05. Interruption
06. Beneath the Unfold
07. Devil's Disco Pt. I
08. Devil's Disco Pt. II
09. Some Kind of Wonderful
10. Last Ride
11. Forevermore
12. Honey bee
13. Blood on the Doorway Pt. I
14. Blood on the Doorway Pt. II
15. Blood on the Doorway Pt. III
16. Seasons of Hurt Introduction
17. Seasons of Hurt
18. Ghost


2024-02-29 15:01:57

Track 15 is 192 bitrate :(

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