Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The Other World

Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The Other World
Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The Other World
Style:Gothic Metal
Additional:Neo-Classical Metal
Format:VBR mp3
Size:135.32 MB
Seeded:Veggr Respect  Antirespect
Yousei Teikoku - Hades:The Other World
4.51/5 votes: 17
Added:22/12/2014 00:31:53
Downloaded:950 (Taken - 930) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:19/04/2024 12:15:17
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Length / Продолжительность: 00:58:10

Tracks / Треклист:
01 Hades:The end
02 神的創造
03 Dea×Crisis
04 昏き世界の慟哭
05 絶望plantation
06 filament
07 覚醒、冱てる魂と運命の境界線
08 神、ノゾム世界と箱庭幻想
09 Fata Morgana
10 愚かな結末
11 糸遊のしたで
12 Mischievous of Alice
13 救世Άργυρóϛ


2014-12-22 22:25:13

The tracks are corrupted and mixed in with random other music (11., the whole other half is Play by Jolin Tsai, track number 3., 1., etc.).

44  Russia
2014-12-22 23:39:52

The tracks are corrupted and mixed in with random other music (11., the whole other half is Play by Jolin Tsai, track number 3., 1., etc.).

do you have any one add torrent or poorly?

2014-12-23 17:52:25

The tracks are corrupted and mixed in with random other music (11., the whole other half is Play by Jolin Tsai, track number 3., 1., etc.).

do you have any one add torrent or poorly?


No, I don't.

44  Russia
2014-12-23 21:24:34

what do you want?

2015-02-25 17:13:15

Veggr, differnet but still coooool. ITs Japan it should be Neo-takashi-mike classic Metal, thumbs up even if thumbs up is gay lol{#yahoo.gif}

2015-09-21 22:39:31

Muchas gracias!!

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