Symphony X - Discography (1994 - 2015)

Symphony X - Discography (1994 - 2015)
Symphony X - Discography (1994 - 2015)
Style:Progressive Metal
Additional:Power Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.72 GB
Seeded:djoma Respect  Antirespect
Symphony X - Discography (1994 - 2015)
5/5 votes: 153
Added:03/03/2015 17:07:29
Downloaded:10728 (Taken - 16577) Seeded 23 Downloading 3
Last seeded:08/03/2025 05:25:31
Moderation:Moderated by djoma

Albums / Альбомы:

  1994 - Symphony X (Japanese Edition)
  1994 - Dance Macabre (Demo) (192 Kbps)
  1995 - The Damnation Game (Japanese Edition)
  1997 - The Divine Wings of Tragedy (Japanese Edition)
  1998 - Twilight in Olympus (Japanese Edition)
  1998 - Prelude to the Millennium (Japanese Edition) (Compilation)
  2000 - V The New Mythology Suite (Japanese Edition)
  2001 - Live on the Edge of Forever (Live album)
  2002 - The Odyssey (Japanese Edition)
  2005 - Rarities and Demos (Compilation) (192 Kbps)
  2007 - Paradise Lost (Japanese Edition)
  2011 - Iconoclast (Japanese Edition)
  2015 - Underworld

  Line-up / Состав:
  Info / Инфо:


jimmykapoukakis, Klapacius, Metalwolf, RSnakeBR, IleniaCore, sucheznosa, eugenio malkin, SIUL JURADO, Nunomro , hamada7070, WatchaFR, Fluffi, Honeywist, Boby002, Conde Petaque, METALLURG74, pista65, MeninoYoshi, Nelkhael, vaskito25, Stargazer004, MetalJohn42, bRuteaLizeR666, zilou, Rockabilly, MahtaN, Ianevan327 , chuel, Adarvark, pemicope, Norberto0888, IronDog, BLINDMAN96125, eumesm, Zyklon99, Vegas102, Karapuz, tomhegedus, Tyrann, vyachazor, jlo222, ecastell72, fragglemetal, Perpaok, DarcRivera, Triumph69, Marsound, zvanags, ziiminus, hellbarrabas, risingforce, zajtss, condoomned, lekari, pastequeman, impendingdoom666, kr1egmetal, mortuus777, Nergal87, Nitsuga, alexben, Виктор80, karibou, willleagl, dcsa full of hell, Elektr0nik, AlekseyIvanov, redamned, andreymezhevov, chambermk, Deathguise, kerrigan, papafikos, lazarus muller, LordHeimdall, racuna, AKAfujek , jovafe, ElFrantxie, paulomartins, vazdu, xoctav, thrashdown, Argarthie1320, thrashmaniac, NJStix, propjoe, MassCoop, psychotic_penguin, Fritzor, polysach, MeTr59, JankoJohnson, dmytryislayer, kiscsavo78, Helldwarf, Joao13Inferth, varro64, WADEMRIC, tintinnabulation, Sigistrix, povtype17, ASlayer, davidecap83, neonshark, angrycelt75, darrelian, stalker1973, Firestorm151, nosferatou, byfford, Wickerman1972, manrique, JanneFiH, IMseventhson, Nakedlimbs, stormrider-of-theli, draht, omarmanson, cactus4343, anthodysmorf, talopatalo, jose76, HardRockCogollo, UbuntuMetal, PauloSlayer, Dedzone801, Lucas Santos, huehue6, ricoko, Strattodarius, RamsesII, thee, TheMarceloRocker, snegfly, danpan, Drekojed, maznislav, ramuhzero, kvothe, suslovod, alister33, aris16, jmfayol, crippled, lorddragon67, flodown666, Sikarra, mangled, Wojtas666, poptical-illusion, femt0, realtulp, jpaulo16, SXRomeo, dronick, threecoffins, Veida, asti, Scallywag, niger9dm, paulricard, mani1664, юрген, Ghost777, ортходокс, suroja, DX6811G, Vulpokefal, morrison2, alucard2991, Bobspur, laci2031, kallyadranoch, reastat44, aleks0574, Maltael, melinda80600, mordarath, welder 1984, DistortedPortrait, sztatilla, 0672510157, loginnik, Sixth666, WTTTWYourMom, sleazerocker, ViktorCipher, 12E2, YagoMoP, GusN, Ganuza, awsda, altandex, rammmirez, firebiker, Sarcisha, syntexid, mediavolo, brunello, akasha-seraphim, jacksonleal, backdraft, bumlock, ivan995, Aborix, binene, bnk1101, CycoMacke, myrath666, elymetal, laurana, carpathia, Espero, watnou, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, LMX, robscrew, Brogs, jth6, hagyma, crapouille, impellitteri609, Daltor95, dc2142, Tedebrujas, ETHER, serenobrak, solascriptura, peligrimm, mparion, avantasia21, Deadmaker, DBoss, Edumetal17, Will1978, master_konar, lepage59, kiskouli, javiersss, sx_link, Perestroika, Caslimtel, tomazinio, LordOfTheWasteland, Psyence365, krentz, purplejane231, stayros69, pebbles1965, riojard, tundra, AnaCabot, Evil Dog, tmeg57, brucami, gucsy7, rollerzonder, Iron_Purple, luchito_bc, Z-KRAY, david21, genewen420, TheDarkLordJJ, gagland, asrn543, fanfan87, Summoniing, titanido, shamanoty, cannibalistico, slayer1968, themetal696969, alxcsrdbla, venom71, kuku, Damon, excaliburxv, hablack, morgion, khonsu, bujinro, DeathMaster666, Endokopon, ultraomar, nagumo, Captain Howdy, су-33, November5th, Gandalf71, kornel83, андрюшик, Djin, midiam, Nikolai_K, Pepeargento, SPARTAN, amdv, kartzaroth, Fantom71, lennon, lemodic, krypt, Patlatyi2013, destruction, carlos364, Veggr, ksfsk, xhenon, olegcap17, Varg, Danieletto, wizard05, dimidrol, Perished1978, gorgoroth666, kacsa, kafroulas, KipeLov, ggeopap1984, ortegajohny, mozbeck, muratko, pasa73, bangmaster, savmit, everdarksoul, qawsed, Kyuss75, pinkcream69, Pillau, uriasmith, MrBaggy, tunntarm, Aphotic, tobik, jack87, Booyakasha, BadBill, SMax63, romb, styxx, blacky, jared_wanted, kot666, N73,


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