Never Before - Evil Straw Warts Live

Never Before - Evil Straw Warts Live
Style:Stoner Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:59.31 MB
Seeded:p00pd00d Respect  Antirespect
Never Before - Evil Straw Warts Live
4.58/5 votes: 5
Added:27/05/2015 23:07:38
Downloaded:229 (Taken - 226) Seeded 0 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/12/2024 19:24:21
Moderation:Moderated by p00pd00d
Length / Продолжительность: 00:25:05

Tracks / Треклист:

01. Wild Dog (05:12)
02. Fall (05:29)
03. Clockwork pig (05:11)
04. Welcome to Your Funeral (09:11)


65  Brazil
2015-05-28 16:15:01

Excellent stoner/doom metal!{#clapping.gif}

China's first stoner metal (shiren metal) band. Never Before band formed in 2011, is active in Beijing. The band members come from China, Japan, Sweden, Italy, the people of these different countries because of the love of rock music came together, diverse life experience, very different cultural background, understanding the diversity of music, so this young in the creation of the band is full of inspiration and creativity. Musicians inspired by the early '70s metal music and psychedelic rock; the use of a variety of rock/metal music elements: stoner, doom, sludge, southern, psychedelic, etc. on creation, the band eventually became the first dabbled stoner rock/metal style chinese band.

Band members:
Vocals: Min Yan (China)
Guitar: Tianduan Xiang (Japan)
Guitar: Wu Shuo (China)
Bass: Nico (Italy)
Drummer: Linda (Sweden)

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