F.K.Ü. - Discography (1999 - 2017)

F.K.Ü. - Discography (1999 - 2017)
F.K.Ü. - Discography (1999 - 2017)
Style:Thrash Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:579.47 MB
Seeded:djoma Respect  Antirespect
F.K.Ü. - Discography (1999 - 2017)
4.95/5 votes: 64
Added:13/10/2015 13:42:23
Downloaded:1767 (Taken - 3013) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:06/03/2025 11:50:52
Moderation:Moderated by djoma

Albums / Альбомы:

  1999 - Metal Moshing Mad (Remastered 2007)
  2005 - Sometimes They Come Back...To Mosh
  2008 - Hirax / F.K.Ü. (Split)
  2009 - Where Moshers Dwell
  2013 - 4: Rise Of The Mosh Mongers (Japanese Edition)
  2017 - 1981 (Japanese Edition)

  Line-up / Состав:
  Info / Инфо:

ecm666, Ramonius, Boby002, lolo_69, Rockabilly, pestbeule666, Wolfman85, Marsound, kr1egmetal, tor64, teuton70, -Nachtmahr-, priest antichrist, metaller92, tan222, MasterBlaster_, epra, RSdava, xoctav, rudifloyd, _Koshak_, blackivan, Vindest Aneka, whisky, zorel, fleitte, cidarstewart, BTO, Ivan50, russwwelt, JanneFiH, Revenant1109, umiyu, van dooom, Vinland318, yazvitskiy ef, schnolgi, Panzerbassen, sergey 35, judas priest 1, ronsel, EricEvil, KAOSWAR, LordAslan7, fdr1969, lorddragon67, xristoforos73, Deth777, Bro009, human rejection, thor67, Vulpokefal, 19a-lexander , kolobok455, Dogsvomit, Mountainking 13, Tarrodor, dynamic, Pitbull1969, mccracken74, ozzy73, firebiker, syntexid, brujo87, val14bush, Vosje, Slayerofsouls, Ronnyx1975, fraggelmange, VOV2010, Artscald, vader1388, Leprosy974, jukswede, XYZ000, Ural31050, DBoss, thrashwolf, Will1978, lepage59, warstone, ac5820, LordOfTheWasteland, olajbaro, danilo13, ivannemec, metalguy1965, romy_vampire, klan23, jlconrado, TVM_75 , genewen420, fanfan87, War Hammer, price321, andres1982, DeathMaster666, kosmatus, Hendrik Mobus, alexey19700, majestas leprosus, veronahellas, Gandalf71, андрюшик, tvi72, Jeka62, Benjamin Breeg, MiddleIndex, murat, lennon, Greenbaum, Patlatyi2013, darconio, destruction, metalmaiden12, destructionn, Veggr, cyvra, olegcap17, denesenkoaleksandr, Varg, robi1967, SASHOKOO, Николай7711, kidmetal666 , valmit2011, Zyubthnjyub, rush68, yanitz, thrashbanger, muratko, bangmaster, konkhra, elciocruz, KOTЪ, saloma75, Pillau, az666, uriasmith, Epi1, tobik, KURAKIN, Uran72, Volk11911, alexdamose, ev0707, romb, PASHTET983, blacky, jared_wanted, 2683765, kot666, N73, dubrecords, sayfut,


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