Leather Nun America - 4 Albums
Description: | |
Albums / Альбомы: 2006 - All Your Kin 2008 - Absence of Light 2011 - Kult Occult 2015 - Buddha Knievel | |
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lolo_69, zorel, JanneFiH, kolobok455, dynamic, Chucky19, kisoun, brujo87, Slayerofsouls, NEPENTHIAN77, 101st, onemanplay, Artscald, Leprosy974, metakaso, Thantifaxath, lepage59, tw324, gyurma, War Hammer, Gandalf71, андрюшик, epica93, Shawleen, Low-lowrider, thrashbanger, defster, DooomDog, Ufoserg, alex111, djoma, King Bong, Dark Ser, RBorisS, blacky, jared_wanted, |
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Great, thank you!
Excellent stoner/doom metal!
In the case of the 2015 album, "Buddha Knievel" progressive/stoner/doom.
Great job, p00pd00d!