Last known
Alex Dominguez Bass (1986, 2008-2009)
Rodney Dunsmore Vocals (1986-1991, 2008-2009)
Henry Elizondo Guitars (1988-1991, 2008-2009)
Fidel Tagle Drums (2008-2009)
Walter Trachsler Guitars (2008-2009)
Edward Vasquez Bass (1986-1991)
Jesse Lopez Drums (1986-1987)
Dave Burk Guitars (1986-1991)
Louie Carrisalez Drums (1988-1990)
David Lozano Drums (1990-1991)
Спасибо огромное!!!
Отличная банда.
IDOLATRY - не перепрыгнет никто никогда .
Respect! Thanks.
Отличное исполнение. спасибо.
Who is this upload from? Is the first album here from a vinyl record or cd? There is pictures of both a Vinyl and a cd cover???
Muito obrigado!