China Beach - Six Bullet Russian Roulette (Japanese Edition)

China Beach - Six Bullet Russian Roulette (Japanese Edition)
China Beach - Six Bullet Russian Roulette (Japanese Edition)
Style:Power Metal
Country:United Kingdom
Format:320 mp3
Size:127.13 MB
Seeded:Veggr Respect  Antirespect
China Beach - Six Bullet Russian Roulette (Japanese Edition)
4.82/5 votes: 12
Added:05/02/2017 09:07:10
Downloaded:676 (Taken - 524) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/12/2024 20:08:33
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Length / Продолжительность: 00:50:14

Tracks / Треклист:
01. The Great Divide
02. Mother
03. Evolution's Bloodstain
04. This Is Not a Love Song
05. Power Trip
06. Street of Broken Dreams
07. Stigmata
08. Fall from Grace
09. Champagne and Debt
10. Seeing Is Believing
11. Daze Gone By


2017-02-05 13:40:21

thanks man

47  Belgium
2019-03-23 23:09:17

Great! That's the early years about members from Kill II This ^^

Thank you very much!

2021-08-14 17:32:37


59  Spain
2023-02-08 03:34:51

Thank you so much for sharing! 

59  Spain
2023-02-08 03:35:17

Great! That's the early years about members from Kill II This ^^

Thank you very much!

Didn't know, many thanls for the info!

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