Slaughter To Prevail - Discography (2014 - 2021)

Slaughter To Prevail - Discography (2014 - 2021)
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Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Slaughter To Prevail - Discography (2014 - 2021)
4.98/5 votes: 164
Added:04/05/2017 08:39:21
Downloaded:17356 (Taken - 15922) Seeded 44 Downloading 8
Last seeded:31/01/2025 22:57:40
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
  2014 - Crowned & Conquered (Single)
  2015 - Chapters Of Misery (EP)
  2016 - Chapters Of Misery (EP) (Reissue)
  2017 - Misery Sermon
  2021 - Kostolom

  Line - Up:

EvokeSoundAI, Gumesz666, shalevaro, Fred13850, TokyoGeisha, Logans93, corner, Lutherman, ChickenKueken, deijdawplxus, Boby002, Randomdouchebag, Departed7302, Sernyak, RenanDantas, wicked003, DissidentPM, YasashiOkami, Haron191, Drahmathon, xelu, carlosrod, NEKROSKOP, Matt_138, zadar48, Mojtaba, ReverendX, vvlkcvlt, siwbtdffmtz7ksj1, VroVero, sethmorley1969, МеталДед, _Destroyer_, SpookyFlix, Wolfman85, qualitycare, sweetP, drslick77, rzkyantoo, Morozov Alex, DarcRivera, IGOR1085, posternyak, djcorpse, metalgreg, Marsound, urbanshaman666, ClaymanLF, zajtss, ArnoH, CartonCorrugado, MrRenzo, roheadrex, Yulia1210, s1796, traveller, Alecei, dimmuborg56, Sem247, DeathMetalHero, SCX, kazeraplo, Smilingman, HopelessChaos, EvilKotti, let4ikmiha, mortuus777, trivium70, code127, Nitsuga, CyberMozg, benton666666, dcsa full of hell, g-i-b-a-r-i-a-n, Miver, Adam s, -Nachtmahr-, Antiherohero, SK1nner, chambermk, Beyond_Oblivion, Kroneker, banger, rybachkov62, ArchspireKardasheV, SerpentDave, Dimitris1982, obiguanz, priest antichrist, jamesiron, LordHeimdall, nesticle8bit, AKAfujek , Solidworks, filfy, kylecore1990, Berserk, Judas_Iskariot, Snipe_r, killamall, evgenRab, zeroxposur01, McalvinoV, BTThirten, BigSanya, blackivan, whisky, Steo7, roach13, MMann, IsraaMichaelis, babybabayaga, zorel, Waterbong, serg39, Daria12111, povtype17, Listopadoff, Lammashta, paulbarva, pirox666, Lemartes, havik, darrelian, zkalak, Antichrist Superstar, JanneFiH, snglthret, sopot14, Алексей евгеньевич, Fazerr, Treshik, ool81, UbuntuMetal, Apl, 8core, sdarken, VSvaleryVS, Casarez, robingub, hartza, Danilo daniel, mooshmer, devilsspleen, Mamarracho_CFC, KAOSWAR, suslovod, fdr1969, aris16, olegkom, FePeGe, emmilig, joseff, femt0, Zvukach, maks77, frackl, LambOfGod92, Амита, Kanmu, kuzmich2007, doitel, GoodW1n71, scoobiedoh, human rejection, padanin, DSS24K, laurent-bonma, E-Voices, camart72, vetal73, kallyadranoch, cranioclast, Chris Zombie, ND91, dero20, ltibor, GorkLordOfMetal, Blackpesta, heavenshallburn, АНГЕЛСМЕРТИ, wipes, sztomil, nusferatus369, specop1, smokeitnowmaan, i am, semt, firebiker, Godsnake, The Preacher, fosepu10, CycoMacke, ohdaesoo81, Thunder_HK, patrickmergner, madcat14, Artscald, sibeka, robscrew, hotrod, davidiano, trollhot, Leprosy974, anthocore, Kuntgrinder, canj, wanderer73, acharetidis, heavypigeon, hellraiser98, Immoria, canibaldo, cyberInFer, Perestroika, Madball74, MileZlo, trifonoff, JUAN CARLOS, masterdavid, peternorth, draconiar, dbzhidkov, guy8180, johnconstantine, hoher666, Dusan Ivkovic9, Volat777, Studes, kragdob, Hellaeon1089, khonsu, Cold Space, DeathMaster666, bourkek, Stahlreich, Captain Howdy, Hendrik Mobus, GrandHeron, anvics, tvi72, 89085372603, epica93, FuKt, Nikolai_K, orphanage, Lasea, greatbone, Vampire_metal, AVlexx, Dinozavr, elk666, perifferist, thunderaxe, PainTokrator, demoff70, Sorgens, hfabioh, blackstyle, eric1334, Zombie40k, brandoncash23, massiargo, DetMoroz, muratko, ryzpm, Dr Aibolit, KRuZY1, varlam4, Kyuss75, KOTЪ, Dadi93rock, maiksor, tobik, Fierce, Nyxtopouli, kreator1976, despiesed, Booyakasha, djoma, Onirico, Themask, rus2540, sylsly, pasha88, rich74, Lucifer57RUS, Max777, FuneralWolf,


2023-02-27 02:33:00

Thank you!!! {#clapping.gif}{#drinks.gif}

58  USSR
2023-05-30 16:25:13


49  Spain
2023-08-01 01:11:52


2024-01-28 00:17:04

I wasn't blown away by these guys. The hype didn't deliver this time. Don't get me wrong, they are still leagues ahead of most of the bands out there in this style. His vocals are pretty brutal, but the clean singing is also brutal... 

2024-03-05 11:22:35

Thanks a lot {#thank_you.gif}

48  Russia
2024-04-16 17:42:57


2024-05-26 16:16:09

New 2024!


Official Music Video

666  Brazil
2024-12-31 01:07:52

Thanks for sharing! You have a good ear for music my friend!!

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