Voyager - Discography (2003 - 2023)

Voyager - Discography (2003 - 2023)
Voyager - Discography (2003 - 2023)
Style:Heavy Progressive Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.13 GB
Seeded:syntexid Respect  Antirespect
Voyager - Discography (2003 - 2023)
4.99/5 votes: 49
Added:12/05/2017 11:04:32
Downloaded:2934 (Taken - 4507) Seeded 5 Downloading 0
Last seeded:13/03/2025 10:15:08
Moderation:Moderated by vaniaradi
Albums / Альбомы:
2003 - Element V (Experience, WBEX-25002, 2004, Japan)
2007 - uniVers (Locomotive Records, LM562)
2009 - I am the reVolution (Dockyard 2 Records, DY200872)
2011 - The Meaning Of I (Sensory Records, SR3059)
2014 - V (Iav Records, IAV1401)
2017 - Ghost Mile (Iav Records, IAV1701P)
2019 - Colours in the Sun (Season of Mist, SOM533D)
2022 - A Voyage Through Time (Live)
2023 - Fearless In Love

videa552, LeJoliRouge, рюрик60, Boby002, Garik Man, OVEL1109, carlosrod, sulo007, Vegas102, Wolfman85, VikingOle, jlo222, Marsound, joseang, lodjica, mrsly, TrueRainmaker, traveller, Ravis, blaga, Nitsuga, willleagl, Elektr0nik, akis 28, oldvarg, priest antichrist, jamesiron, tan222, fuckknuckle, Triad1970, nogmaster, Shea90, kazy, AkenBosch, xoctav, NJStix, MATOX, voevoda67, W6278896253, SWiner, MeTr59, Yoha, Holewek, JankoJohnson, tintinnabulation, Sigistrix, Firestorm151, lesenok, russwwelt, JanneFiH, PolyTech22, leonidas905, Yaumulahad, rusho, talopatalo, UbuntuMetal, Panzerbassen, sergey 35, judas priest 1, Андрей С 1975, voivodoid, TechnicolorMan, Moukiny, suslovod, fdr1969, kvibek, jmfayol, lorddragon67, d5555ed, gipopotam16, Sumerian_Daemon, larobi, mxibrahim2, koshkifanatik, Blasphemer_SPK, MAYH6, human rejection, millennium2000, alucard2991, Rathma, fuxo888888, fkinf300, skippyhs, loginnik, alstorm71, GusN, ozzy73, firebiker, ivan995, PdroT, Vosje, CycoMacke, Slayerofsouls, fraggelmange, ohdaesoo81, TrakkaUPacciu, wolf2, VOV2010, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, robscrew, JohnGCT, serenobrak, Nork, ElboLiman, cyberInFer, tomazinio, kevdelaferro, MusicMystro, gothicsam, Jetlag69, Iron_Purple, luchito_bc, fanfan87, gamil, redskinfankorea, alxcsrdbla, arlequin83, faktor69, Stahlreich, alexey19700, mariuss, Gandalf71, balola, mattia, Nehebkau11, virusdarkness, Lasea, SPARTAN, halibut, greatbone, samael_tragedy, lennon, Alextoner, lemodic, Patlatyi2013, metalmaiden12, Varg, robi1967, Николай7711, RBCastro, gafazen, muratko, Shirka, demoneyezer, AligerO, tobik, djoma, leonidka59, ev0707, sander, qawsed113, jared_wanted, pivi90,


2023-06-12 07:08:35


2023-07-12 11:41:40

New 2023!

Voyager - Ultraviolet (Feat. Sean Harmanis) (music video) 

Our new album, "Fearless In Love" will be out July 14th

2023-07-14 18:08:03

гей дъент метал 

2023-07-15 22:42:38

гей дъент метал 


В каком месте?



2023-07-17 04:47:16

SHINY! Many thanks for sharing this. This has the full 11 tracks of the latest album. Cheers from Oz.

59  Spain
2023-07-20 06:26:39

Thank you! {#drinks.gif}

2024-04-06 23:52:01

effin brilliant

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