TrollfesT - Discography (2004 - 2022)

TrollfesT - Discography (2004 - 2022)
Style:Folk Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.20 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
TrollfesT - Discography (2004 - 2022)
4.98/5 votes: 46
Added:11/07/2017 21:47:10
Downloaded:2349 (Taken - 3707) Seeded 11 Downloading 2
Last seeded:13/03/2025 16:36:03
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
  2004 - Promo (Demo)
  2005 - Willkommen Folk tell Drekka Fest
  2006 - Brakebein
  2009 - Villanden
  2009 - Uraltes Elemente (EP)
  2011 - En Kvest For Den Hellige Gral (Limited Edition)
  2012 - Brumlebassen (Limited Edition)
  2013 - A Decade Of Drekkadence (Compilation)
  2014 - Kaptein Kaos (Limited Edition)
  2015 - Live at Alrosa Villa (Live)
  2017 - Helluva
  2019 - Norwegian Fairytales
  2021 - Happy Heroes (EP)
  2022 - Flamingo Overlord

  Line - Up:

level116, Watcher91, carlosrod, kekouzzz, zadar48, shagvlotadX, pestbeule666, Wolfman85, sweetP, Marsound, joseang, ClaymanLF, Konn, JPvato, lodjica, mrsly, fripouilloux, CartonCorrugado, Yulia1210, traveller, kr1egmetal, atlas3728, blaga, teuton70, MonGaUx, trupigor, Apacs1, Elektr0nik, blackforst, -Nachtmahr-, ArchspireKardasheV, priest antichrist, metaller92, pervunchik_vasja, isenstone, Roffe, Biest, Serg3777, Rarentino, equimanthorn, Suduku, DaMishi, cheerup, oldwhitepitbull, унук эльхайя, Sigistrix, Jabukodonosor, Firestorm151, JanneFiH, Расмуссен, Vinland318, VSvaleryVS, thee, suslovod, joseff, Sumerian_Daemon, mxibrahim2, mani1664, psichotronic, albert66613, Igor20yan, kallyadranoch, JrMendes, cranioclast, div666, valgog, wipes, thevik, jsnakef, ozzy73, firebiker, kasbeelpazuzu, Razzzor, Terrorwolf, cey, Slayerofsouls, myrath666, elymetal, El Putrefacto, kamikiraly, TRiPoLYT, Artscald, maurinatyi, tivkiot_bob, vader1388, Leprosy974, ETHER, strato020, wanderer73, ElboLiman, Leo15, Pall13, ricknroll, cyberInFer, s-e-r-g-e, sagas, Xiael, Yoni69, evR, gyurma, rngr, andrescnk, tmeg57, luchito_bc, gagland, GraveGhoul, alxcsrdbla, venom71, excaliburxv, bujinro, dido, peerotr, larsen54, kosmatus, Hendrik Mobus, Gustaf18, андрюшик, TheChristReborn, mattia, epica93, Lasea, behemoth_tut, Alextoner, lokiju, cyvra, dumbfox, massiargo, sandrolord, степочкин иван, annoer8, adolfssreich, Shirka, Fluttershy, alex111, mosessatan, jack87, djoma, kukliatka, Onirico, ev0707, kot666, ostego, cfds,


2022-06-01 20:43:01

2022 - Flamingo Overlord{#drinks.gif}

51  Spain
2022-12-21 07:39:17

GRAT great magnifico

2023-02-22 19:28:11


2023-05-03 05:02:10

Muchas gracias compadre {#drinks.gif}

59  Spain
2023-09-23 18:58:53

Outstanding post, my friend, thank you so much {#yahoo.gif}

2024-02-16 12:24:44

Flac есть?

2024-11-02 19:13:57


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