Veles - Discography (1994 - 2004)
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Альбомы: 1994 - The Triumph of Pagan Beliefs (Demo) 1995 - Night on the Bare Mountain 1997 - Promo '97 1997 - Black Hateful Metal 2004 - Blood On My Knife (Split with Legion) 2004 - The Black Ravens Flew Again | |
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sheer T, mattflamen, Fenrir79, Diamond505, sethmorley1969, vicdias, hellbarrabas, impendingdoom666, kr1egmetal, AceQuorthon, -Nachtmahr-, kotofey1983, darzamat8, Xavimetal32, nosferatou, JanneFiH, Vaho, kkm, Ivan Dunkel, Vinland318, 12E2, biotaupe, psych0social666, omen997, NEPENTHIAN77, ohdaesoo81, Faringo, Artscald, maurinatyi, Sortilegio, Psycho88, OkkultaNagelfar, laric_, sagas, Ordinance, NOISEofdepression, turin88, arathorn, heinz88, TULKAS88, katatonik76, Blutklinge00, blizzardbeast, Alcoholocausto, klukas, dripfeeder, ALIENATIONCOLD, LE0NARD0, bluffuffe, Pillau, Nosfer, blacky, |
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