Thy Art Is Murder - Discography (2007 - 2023)

Thy Art Is Murder - Discography (2007 - 2023)
Thy Art Is Murder - Discography (2007 - 2023)
Format:320 mp3
Size:977.42 MB
Seeded:syntexid Respect  Antirespect
Thy Art Is Murder - Discography (2007 - 2023)
4.66/5 votes: 89
Added:10/08/2017 06:08:15
Downloaded:6978 (Taken - 10982) Seeded 19 Downloading 1
Last seeded:12/01/2025 15:33:44
Moderation:Moderated by varlam4
Albums / Альбомы:
2007 - This Hole is Not Deep Enough (Demo) (VBR)
2008 - Infinite Death (EP)
2010 - The Adversary
2011 - Infinite Forms (Single)
2012 - Hate
2015 - Holy War (Special Edition)
2016 - The Depression Sessions (Split)
2017 - Dear Desolation
2019 - Human Target
2023 - Decade Of Hate (Live in Melbourne 2023) (VBR Spectre)
2023 - Godlike (VBR Spectre)

tommydarko2084, D1rtyAn1mal, Lutherman, deijdawplxus, ohMare, Boby002, gtsrik, Randomdouchebag, lolo_69, wicked003, hrenmorjovyi, Gabrielcore, carlosrod, Mojtaba, they_dd_t, VroVero, Barcena56, Ferrum, sweetP, Tek87, ziiminus, mrsly, Yulia1210, lestat4593, SHAGRATH METAЛИST, heheboi85, kazeraplo, Smilingman, HopelessChaos, ANT27, Nitsuga, trupigor, Miver, -Nachtmahr-, deform_, banger, ArchspireKardasheV, SerpentDave, obiguanz, priest antichrist, jamesiron, LordHeimdall, Eschaton_BDM, MrZodiarche, Hastyrc, neilnihilist, EVL666, Orv, killamall, evgenRab, _Koshak_, MATOX, ProxyCW_X157, BTThirten, fffs28, Yoha, ZombieMunky, REPTIL3, hellfest2018, Daria12111, kostaspag, povtype17, Jabukodonosor, torpedo66, havik, darrelian, ElTioKul, manrique, Marekor, JanneFiH, Treshik, bobatomix, ConquerAll, kepesr, UbuntuMetal, PauloSlayer, 8core, Panzerbassen, stride81, kaiserfall, thee, Empty322, Warpside, suslovod, fdr1969, lorddragon67, eg89gh, LambOfGod92, LSHamed, dr Pill 72, mani1664, Malkar, v a lazy, INGVAR 57, E-Voices, fFREEDOM CALL, alucard2991, lacy74, fuxo888888, allonzo, heavenshallburn, bill4aston, nusferatus369, lucifere, smokeitnowmaan, Psychoexe, Listarchosdavelis, The Preacher, 2FACE, fosepu10, berndt72, sonofsabbath13, w1zz1, vladoff665, ohdaesoo81, Thunder_HK, mepatrik1, Artscald, LMX, Leprosy974, Kuntgrinder, abdoooabdooo, Leo15, canibaldo, Will1978, cyberInFer, rockhead, Xiael, LordOfTheWasteland, purplejane231, 666PoisonSnake, trifonoff, JUAN CARLOS, tears_of_fire, guy8180, luchito_bc, TheDarkLordJJ, Westpark, anarkeos, Summoniing, redskinfankorea, khaozreigns, sebakd, venom71, Kingvile, Cold Space, Stahlreich, StonedSignal, waldemar, андрюшик, tvi72, epica93, deadzzz2, Dinozavr, denesenkoaleksandr, Agheres, Varg, asmorod, CompagnoKoba, Sasha29Mad, Bonhartt, sandrolord, DetMoroz, muratko, KRuZY1, varlam4, neckroangeluz, uriasmith, tobik, kerplunk, Nyxtopouli, Джони, Booyakasha, kukliatka, ev0707, kabr73, ateist90, FuneralWolf,


42  USA
2023-09-26 05:57:29

Is Godlike the digital version with new Mystery singer or the other still with CJ

56  Russia
2023-09-26 19:16:26


2023-10-01 00:56:53

Is Godlike the digital version with new Mystery singer or the other still with CJ

That's what I wanna know!

Not a mystery though, it's Tyler Miller, the latest singer of Aversions Crown

2024-01-24 18:37:32


2024-08-12 13:58:34


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