Enzo and the Glory Ensemble - In the Name of the Son

Enzo and the Glory Ensemble  - In the Name of the Son
Style:Sympho Metal
Additional:Progressive Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:154.27 MB
Seeded:Hey You Respect  Antirespect
Enzo and the Glory Ensemble - In the Name of the Son
5/5 votes: 10
Added:28/09/2017 15:59:37
Downloaded:603 (Taken - 686) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:25/04/2024 13:55:09
Moderation:Moderated by Hey You
Length / Продолжительность: 01:06:42

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Waiting for the Son (feat. Marty Friedman)
02. The Tower of Babel (feat. Mark Zonder)
03. Luke 1:28 (feat. Brian Ashland & Mark Zonder)
04. Psalm 8
05. Glory to God (feat. Amulyn Corzine & Mark Zonder)
06. Psalm 133 (feat. Kobi Farhi)
07. Magnificat (feat. Marty Friedman, Tina Gagliotta & Amulyn Corzine)
08. Isaiah 53 (feat. Gary Wehrkamp)
09. Matthew 11:25 (feat. Mark Zonder & Amulyn Corzine)
10. The Trial (feat. Brian Ashland, Kobi Farhi, Nicholas Leptos, Amulyn Corzine & Gary Wehrkamp)
11. Eternal Rest (feat. Marty Friedman)
12. Te Deum (feat. Ralf Scheepers & Nicholas Leptos)
13. If Not You (feat. Amulyn Corzine, Gary Wehrkamp, Nicholas Leptos, Brian Ashland, Ralf Scheepers & Mark Zonder)


2017-09-28 19:03:06

качество странное... а музло на любителя.  

2017-12-20 06:59:43

Thank YOU

2020-03-22 08:29:56


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