Hanging Garden - Discography (2007 - 2023)

Hanging Garden - Discography (2007 - 2023)
Style:Melodic Doom Death Metal
Additional:Gothic Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.34 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Hanging Garden - Discography (2007 - 2023)
5/5 votes: 105
Added:28/10/2017 08:35:44
Downloaded:2720 (Taken - 5907) Seeded 4 Downloading 0
Last seeded:13/03/2025 10:22:48
Moderation:Moderated by Varg

Albums / Альбомы:

  2007 - Inherit The Eden
  2009 - TEOTWAWKI
  2013 - At Every Door
  2013 - I Was A Soldier (EP)
  2015 - Blackout Whiteout
  2015 - Backwoods Sessions (EP)
  2016 - Hereafter (EP)
  2017 - I Am Become
  2018 - November Dawn (Single)
  2019 - Backwoods Sessions II (EP)
  2019 - Into That Good Night
  2020 - Against the Dying of the Light (EP)
  2021 - Skeleton Lake
  2022 - Neither Moth Nor Rust (EP)
  2023 - The Garden

  Line - Up:

Boby002, Cliff1, METALLURG74, Duha 87, deadasgardian, ainjoma, YngwarR, Sodomic6, frank69, LP Beria, wicked003, sd763, xelu, carlosrod, zadar48, Mojtaba, FallenArchl, Grandee, _Destroyer_, Wolfman85, voador, capannazio, sweetP, MetalCPR, harpan13, Marsound, Konn, vladlenshi, condoomned, Yulia1210, KostikNN, traveller, kr1egmetal, hammurabi, oleg_the_seer_died, atlas3728, Nergal87, vlad0911, teuton70, Nicolay Povolotskiy , dcsa full of hell, -Nachtmahr-, Kroneker, banger, klauss88, tritosha, priest antichrist, pervunchik_vasja, LordHeimdall, nogmaster, Serg3777, kazy, Eu4ia88, vazdu, SERGDOOM, EVL666, Soulblad3, ZanzoLycan, Orv, metalmnzt, ranked, 4b10, penumchrist, necrodenwhite, blackivan, MeTr59, Yoha, zorel, Ishtian Tier, ruwild, Shturm58, blackswordmaster88, Sigistrix, izan, VinterVegan, шапито, pirox666, dredlock2013, Bobafett1313, Sentinel79, manrique, ddcska, JanneFiH, Evolizer, Hilfmir, van dooom, VSvaleryVS, dave77, Panzerbassen, sergey 35, robingub, goferest, thee, carlosflores, hitman76, Xelisyn, suslovod, fdr1969, moris7, Vladimir 345, joseff, Sumerian_Daemon, Амита, Anthony56, qwsa, Conspiratus, MAYH6, kolia_666, INGVAR 57, SugarJerk, Igor20yan, alucard2991, Andrew V, Chris Zombie, bukadash, xariton, Bob Khoder, Dogsvomit, lucifere, smokeitnowmaan, Nikola61, i am, firebiker, Listarchosdavelis, IronBIrd, kisoun, Rennie75, val14bush, abdul666, CycoMacke, myrath666, ohdaesoo81, TrakkaUPacciu, tuallamore, razor7, Artscald, KataPy, jth6, exodus2005, jukswede, Kuntgrinder, Ural31050, peligrimm, borknoggano, wanderer73, weekendheadbanger, DBoss, ElboLiman, ac5820, cyberInFer, Catch86, Piscis, 666PoisonSnake, gyurma, anonimo666, metalguy1965, galuche, luchito_bc, mayorofarta, chopeth, redskinfankorea, Endokopon, kosmatus, AmyBlack89, mariuss, GrandHeron, андрюшик, LameBastard, epica93, Lasea, katatonik76, iliasdark, behemoth_tut, Alextoner, Dinozavr, Nabilpiero, OffMine, lokiju, destructionn, denesenkoaleksandr, Neon Orion, kollega-71, shay1212, yanitz, hellene8, AnDRONik696, dumbfox, ortegajohny, gothic_, triston, rybaerzh, pasa73, melnik773, Dr Aibolit, mas17, DooomDog, vaniaradi, alex111, tobik, Nyxtopouli, alex11, djoma, alexdamose, dulak, DeathDiman, Dark Ser, lacrimoza, cfds, pivi90, FuneralWolf,


52  Brazil
2023-12-01 22:12:41

Muito obrigado!

2024-09-02 11:13:43

Terimakasih Varg! Kamu KEREN!

2025-02-22 15:46:59


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