I, Captain - Tiid

I, Captain - Tiid
Style:Stoner | Hard Rock
Additional:Psychedelic Rock
Format:320 mp3
Size:107.92 MB
Seeded:RunsFromRobots Respect  Antirespect
I, Captain - Tiid
4.98/5 votes: 6
Added:28/10/2017 19:02:12
Downloaded:277 (Taken - 375) Seeded 0 Downloading 0
Last seeded:12/03/2025 14:31:02
Moderation:Moderated by djoma
Length / Продолжительность: 00:46:39

Tracks / Треклист:
01. War Shakes (05:57)
02. Mantra (09:24)
03. Vem Kan Segla (01:32)
04. Kepler 22B (03:07)
05. Stugon I (08:10)
06. Stugon II (07:15)
07. Vindan (06:54)
08. Tå (04:17)


2017-11-07 00:15:12

{#good3.gif} Хороший диск. Спасибо

2018-11-13 22:33:39

Best album ever

things that can't be unseen


46  Spain
2019-04-04 14:33:11


2023-03-27 03:57:59

Need some seed 

2023-06-29 13:24:16

Can anyone help me seed this I captain  please I have been trying  to get this for months  now and would be very greatful if you could help me  thanks for helping me rock I hope you or someone can help me continue to rock on with this music I love and don't  have  thank so much 


2023-07-01 12:22:31

Can anyone help me seed this I captain  please I have been trying  to get this for months  now and would be very greatful if you could help me  thanks for helping me rock I hope you or someone can help me continue to rock on with this music I love and don't  have  thank so much 


Hi mate, I've readded this to my seed list. I'm not seeding 24/7 but hopefully you'll be able to pick it up when I'm online {#acute.gif}

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