Lenght / Продолжительность: 00:52:10
Tracks / Треки:
01. Máscara
02. Tiempo de Perder
03. Crisol
04. Busco un Final
05. Ansiedad
06. Katan Nagantü
07. Escamas de óxido
08. Fuente
09. El Momento
10. Vísperas de Dulces Melodias Cósmicas
Lenght / Продолжительность: 00:56:01
Tracks / Треки:
01. Rosas Y Fuego
02. Como Un Desierto
03. Nexo Estelar
04. Aroma A Tí
05. Tummasilmäinen
06. Quark
07. Thy Endless Of Mouring´s Heart
08. Del Tiempo Irracional
09. Solo Un Sueño
10. Gold
11. Donde Nada Existía
12. An Orphan Heartless
One man band ASTORVOLTAIRES Born in Santiago of Chile 2008. J:EscobarC: (Ex-Mar de Grises) solo proyect, mainly focus on slow music; Doom Metal, melancholic sounds and minimalistic resources
First album released "Katan Nagantü", on this, lyrics are full Spanish, but title is Mapudungu (language isolate spoken in south-central Chile) and literal meaning is "through the afternoon," but implicitly meaning has different: It's the story that carries life itself, a race that everyone runs, past, present and future, is through life experiences, sorrows, joys, love and hate.