Vivisepulture - Omen

Vivisepulture - Omen
Style:Sympho Death Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:75.83 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Vivisepulture - Omen
4.97/5 votes: 9
Added:17/03/2018 22:29:52
Downloaded:405 (Taken - 525) Seeded 0 Downloading 1
Last seeded:24/04/2024 17:40:11
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:33:03

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Omen (feat. Alex Hart)
02. They Shall Receive
03. King of Restless Souls
04. To Stone
05. Shadowsphere
06. Christ of the Abyss, Pt. I
07. Protégé, Pt. II
08. Anomaly, Pt. III
  Line - Up:


2018-03-18 01:09:10

Thank YOU

2018-03-18 01:26:00

SHINY! Many thanks for sharing this. I look forward to checking this band out! Cheers from Oz.

2018-03-18 01:59:15

Thanks again... BUT... um, there are absolutely NO TAGS in these MP3s. No artist name, no album name, no year... and depending on your media player no song titles either (though most players these days should show the filename of each). Whoever ripped these was a tad lazy, sorry to say. But thanks again for sharing.

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