Dr. Mastermind - Sin Sandwich

Dr. Mastermind - Sin Sandwich
Style:Speed Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:135.46 MB
Seeded:Woodman Respect  Antirespect
Dr. Mastermind - Sin Sandwich
4.97/5 votes: 4
Added:15/05/2018 22:51:18
Downloaded:670 (Taken - 498) Seeded 1 Downloading 1
Last seeded:20/04/2024 00:25:06
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Length / Продолжительность: 00:58:25

Tracks / Треклист:
01 On The Road
02 Bloodlust
03 Devil's Hand
04 Machetti Eddie
05 Submission
06 All The Way To Wacken
07 Rock N Roll Machine
08 Sanity Clause
09 Better Late Than Never
10 Livin Gets Me Down
11 Human Nature
12 Sin Sandwich
13 Unspoken Bounds
14 Blues Ferrari
15 The Door
16 Last Chance


502  Italy
2018-05-16 13:38:12

This band is not from Brazil. They are from Portland Oregon in the United States. 
Matt McCourt (vocals, bass) is also the singer for Wild Dogs (USA) and Mayhem (USA)

44  Russia
2018-05-16 20:03:21

This band is not from Brazil. They are from Portland Oregon in the United States. 
Matt McCourt (vocals, bass) is also the singer for Wild Dogs (USA) and Mayhem (USA)

sorry - was drunksorry - was drunk, was mistaken., was mistaken.sorry - was drunk, was mistaken.
sorrsorry - was drunk, was mistaken.y - was drunk, was mistaken.
sorry - was drunk, was mistaken.


2018-06-24 23:19:50


43  Mexico
2018-10-24 22:57:34


2021-09-05 19:48:25


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