Acherontas - Discography (2007 - 2022)

Acherontas - Discography (2007 - 2022)
Acherontas - Discography (2007 - 2022)
Style:Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:2.47 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Acherontas - Discography (2007 - 2022)
5/5 votes: 76
Added:09/06/2018 11:51:08
Downloaded:2261 (Taken - 4555) Seeded 6 Downloading 1
Last seeded:03/12/2024 20:22:06
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Country: Greece / Germany
Albums / Альбомы:

2007 - Tat Tvam Asi
2008 - Necromantia & Acherontas - ...For the Temple of the Serpent Skull... (Split)
2009 - Leviathan & Acherontas - Sic Luceat Lux (Split)
2010 - Acherontas & Drowning The Light (Split) - (192 kbps)
2010 - Theosis
2011 - Hermeticism (EP)
2011 - 15 Years Anniversary of Left Hand Path Esoterica (Compilation)
2011 - Vamachara
2012 - Acherontas & Crimson Moon & Akrabu & Shibalba - Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat (Split)
2012 - Nightbringer & Acherontas - The Ruins Of Edom (Split)
2013 - Amenti - Ψαλμοί Αίματος και Αστρικά Οράματα
2014 - Black Blood Ceremony (Live)
2014 - Acherontas & Arditi & Puissance & Shibalba - Pylons Of The Adversary (Split)
2015 - Ma Ion - Formulas Of Reptilian Unification
2015 - Atavistic Resurgence (Split)
2016 - Chthonic Libations (Collaboration)
2016 - Death of the Ego - Chains of the Fallen (Split)
2017 - Amarta अमर्त (Formulas of Reptilian Unification Part II)
2018 - Faustian Ethos
2020 - Psychic Death_ The Shattering of Perceptions
2020 - ...of Devil’s Art & Magick... (Split)
2022 - Malocchio - The Seven Tongues Of Δαημων
  Line - Up:

mark_anthonyroch, FekeFez, amark2, Skogarvordur , xelu, carlosrod, Mojtaba, kike666, Grandee, pestbeule666, kakszilajos, Wolfman85, absubaphomet, Zyklon1988, sweetP, ecastell72, DarcRivera, Marsound, KostikNN, traveller, kr1egmetal, Hardymetal666, atlas3728, RPCHeimdall, Nitsuga, Djevel, dcsa full of hell, trupigor, wendywilliams, -Nachtmahr-, Khort_w, Svartmetal, Hairetikos, Pan_EternalOne, cloise, Michgrinder, Ungoliant, cyrci-35, Habelkayin, ASoIaF, Blackhunter, nesticle8bit, BlaKDemonaZ, Rarentino, MrZodiarche, xoctav, MirdautasVras, dasreich43, Goathier, Xavimetal32, jedimx, Shturm58, AtomG, Southern Man, VinterVegan, Sentinel79, Antichrist Superstar, manrique, JanneFiH, Satanic_blackmetal, Nemrod_88, Vaho, draht, BlaspherionFLUL, van dooom, MMuerto, picasso3, Stasonik, snegfly, ohniesensei, coby420, joseff, mangled, Sumerian_Daemon, Thronumgoroth, the_final_chasm, falcon300377, colter, Dogsvomit, finrod meneldur, wipes, lucifere, MrSlonsky, Listarchosdavelis, davidus, psych0social666, kisoun, aliparhizkar, myrath666, serj71, ohdaesoo81, Jonah Hex, Aeredellia, Artscald, nietzschigor, LMX, manuel89, jth6, komhsgr, panos74, canj, mparion, ElboLiman, rotting1, Griot, kaozgoat, cyberInFer, bearbob1989, soultaker88, galuche, incenerator, morwran333, draconiar, fragi, LazarShadow, Volat777, evilwinter, venom71, Diabolicum, waldemar, epica93, orphanage, Lasea, blizzardbeast, Beer Baron, Dinozavr, KorpiklaaniFinland, stormhatt, lokiju, Zyprianus, Mantoz, Alcoholocausto, Corpse Grinder, kascey, dumbfox, ggeopap1984, sandrolord, undyin6, Gallamoth, dripfeeder, LE0NARD0, savmit, branislav, vaniaradi, sagoundon, varlam4, bluffuffe, neckroangeluz, Nastrond, tobik, Booyakasha, djoma, bobtattoo, klaus, rich74, N73, pivi90, DaveCor, FuneralWolf,


2021-03-18 14:30:23


2021-06-07 22:08:48


53  Russia
2021-09-17 13:18:10


2022-03-04 22:56:08

2022 - Malocchio - The Seven Tongues Of Δαημων - Если честно нудятина какая то {#nea.gif}

31  Belarus
2022-03-05 09:54:03

2022 - Malocchio - The Seven Tongues Of Δαημων - Если честно нудятина какая то {#nea.gif}

ещё не слушал! но ты в большенстве случаев прав.. но послухать все равно нужно будет!

2022-03-25 13:46:21

What's with the German flag? 4 of the members are Greek and the drummer Polish!

2022-06-28 00:07:12


2022-09-19 01:03:34


2022-12-27 20:50:36

Thank you!

53  Spain
2024-07-19 05:02:33

Thanks from Spain!

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