Tony Dickinson - PuD's DuDs

Tony Dickinson - PuD's DuDs
Style:Progressive Metal
Additional:Fusion, Instrumental
Format:320 mp3
Size:190.85 MB
Seeded:Lecherous Dragon Respect  Antirespect
Added:28/07/2018 04:07:18
Downloaded:184 (Taken - 173) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/02/2025 11:19:20
Moderation:Moderated by FuneralWolf
Length / Продолжительность: 01:22:49

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Zero Light (Mega Man X)
02. The Hot Pink of Blues (Final Fantasy 6) feat. Shnabubula
03. Bond's Batteries (Goldeneye, Sonic & Knuckles) feat. Chris Feener
04. Hell March to the Apocalypse (Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1 & 2)
05. Sonic Gargles with Garden Marbles (Sonic 3) feat. GuitarBizarre
06. A Coelo Usque Ad Centrum (Actraiser) feat. GuitarBizarre and Chris Feener
07. Knights of Hyrule (LoZ, LoZ: Ocarina of Time, Muse) feat. Travis Moberg
08. Vestigial Fusion Factory (Sonic 2) feat. prozax, DrumUltimA, Kyle Etges, Mark Kinz
09. Egyptmini Man (Mega Man 3)
10. Toejam & Hurl 2: The Eyes of Satan (TJ&E, Tetris, SMB, Double Dragon)
11. Paragon is an A**hole (Madden NFL Series/Fox Sports)
12. Prancing Dad (Final Fantasy 6)


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