Rictus Grin - Discography (2005 - 2016)

Rictus Grin - Discography (2005 - 2016)
Rictus Grin - Discography (2005 - 2016)
Style:Thrash Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:150.89 MB
Seeded:Volk11911 Respect  Antirespect
Rictus Grin - Discography (2005 - 2016)
4.87/5 votes: 7
Added:10/08/2018 00:35:40
Downloaded:245 (Taken - 263) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:13/03/2025 10:11:17
Moderation:Moderated by Volk11911
Albums / Альбомы:

2005 - Living The Dream
2016 - Burning a Cold Fire



53  USA
2018-08-10 05:34:39

Great stuff.  I found their first cd used a few years ago and always wanted to hear more. Sort of a local band here in Wisconsin.  Many Thanks!!{#yahoo.gif}

54  USSR
2018-08-10 07:40:49

It's a pity not all of their work is available in our region, if anyone has anything to write in a personal.

Rictus Grin - Life Without Frown [full-length] - 1999 

Rictus Grin - No Regrets [full-length] - 2001 

Rictus Grin - Truth of Darkness [ep] - 2002 

Rictus Grin - Living The Dream [full-length] - 2005

Rictus Grin - Resurrection [full-length] - 2007

Rictus Grin - Burning A Cold Fire [full-length] - 2016


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