Albums: 2009 - Night Spirit 2010 - A Glimpse of Glory 2012 - They Awoke to the Scent of Spring 2013 - Wonder 2015 - Blossom 2017 - Still Innocence 2020 - The Ashes Of Light
EPs & Demo: 2008 - Serenity (EP) 2009 - Neath The Black Veil (Demo) (VBR ~214 kbps) 2009 - Welcome Winter (EP) 2012 - Of Strength and Solace (EP) 2013 - A Spark Of Times Of Old (EP) 2015 - Phantom (EP)
Singles: 2014 - Neath Rock And Stone (Single) 2015 - Nestle Within (Single) (192 kbps) 2018 - The First Snow (Single)
Compilation: 2013 - Lost In Lustrous Night Skies (Compilation) 2019 - Another Time, Another Place (Compilation) (2CD)
Splits: 2012 - Feigur & Lustre (Split) (VBR ~249 kbps) 2013 - Vixerunt (Split) (VBR ~286 kbps) 2014 - Through The Ocean To The Stars (Split)
Member: Nachtzeit - Everything
Chaotica, kirabesi, рюрик60, gOreGolem200, Boby002, keskusta_me, foobar22, deadasgardian, bRuteaLizeR666, Praggressive, DarkKhors, pwgrobovets, comacoz, zadar48, black metaller, Grandee, pestbeule666, vicdias, Wolfman85, Zyklon1988, rodrigore666, Marsound, хрон, Admech, roheadrex, traveller, lestat4593, I V Black, hammurabi, atlas3728, hvanguur, sergio1204, ANT27, Melanesia, ginobosi, handofthehost, -Nachtmahr-, bomfu, Germanicus Iulius , Sid1966, Roffe, MrZodiarche, RichardChaseFanatic, biopunk, Orv, Hikkko, BTThirten, lerlond, Southern Man, Klavisin, Malfas, JanneFiH, KrampusLover, Gloomy Punk, draht, BlaspherionFLUL, van dooom, Vinland318, artmet, Panzerbassen, picasso3, snegfly, fdr1969, coby420, AntonioSamhain, vik 071, Scowser, joseff, ClaudiuRankz, savini64, Sumerian_Daemon, Malkar, Don194417, INGVAR 57, cranioclast, rude13, fkinf300, warman, Metalefice, LotusEater84, wipes, thevik, lucifere, morrior, psych0social666, esaraiva, bnk1101, omen997, myrath666, NEPENTHIAN77, ohdaesoo81, Artscald, pogiratel, LyingInTheAshes, 19lun89, METALBLAST, jukswede, DevilSign, Nork, Ordinance, bvhorn, Madball74, belverk, draconiar, dbzhidkov, mortimart, TVM_75 , Z-KRAY, fragi, gagland, Volat777, jutas, morgion, Cold Space, In The Woods, waldemar, magch, epica93, Dinozavr, stormhatt, lokiju, ne4a, Varg, robi1967, Lathronniel, dumbfox, dismisl, dripfeeder, Valentii, varlam4, Shirka, oneironautic, alex111, tobik, Fierce, Holokozt, Oxygen B, Dimoti, podanevroman, rich74, redut, |
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