Various Artists - Neohellist - True Black Metal Compilation

Various Artists - Neohellist - True Black Metal Compilation
Style:Black Metal
Additional:Raw Black Metal, Ambient Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:212.44 MB
Seeded:stormhatt Respect  Antirespect
Various Artists - Neohellist - True Black Metal Compilation
4.6/5 votes: 2
Added:22/08/2018 10:41:02
Downloaded:117 (Taken - 186) Seeded 3 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/12/2024 20:00:10
Moderation:Moderated by
Length / Продолжительность: 01:28:57

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Crusade - Camella's Glare Upon Candleflames
02. Impiety - Sodomythical Frostgoats
03. Santhet - The True Witcraft
04. Cryogenic - Fimbulwinter
05. Armageddon Holocaust - The Seven Churches of Apokalypse
06. Unseen Darkness - Glorifications on My Sign Existance
07. Autumn Verses - The October Land
08. Perish - Burning Soul With a Winter Shadow
09. Vaakevandring - Some Day
10. Borgomil - Inferno Resonance
11. Behemoth - Satan's Sword (I Have Become)
12. Neurotic of Gods - Terbuai Mimpi Di Laut Duka
13. Kekal - Embrace the Dead
14. Mortality - Abandonment Unto Our Lady the Infinite
15. Gorbalrog - Sternengriff
16. Mystical - Evil Spells
17. Moonsorrow - Luopion veri
18. Hellgods - Ahl Sohn Bar
19. Maelstrom - The Darkest Winter


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