Various Artists - Waging the War

Various Artists - Waging the War
Style:Black Metal
Additional:Raw Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:187.37 MB
Seeded:stormhatt Respect  Antirespect
Various Artists - Waging the War
4.82/5 votes: 3
Added:22/08/2018 12:01:53
Downloaded:75 (Taken - 106) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:23/04/2024 10:04:12
Moderation:Moderated by
Length / Продолжительность: 01:12:59

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Antaeus - Inner War
02. Negură Bunget - Immortality's Elegy: the Vampirism
03. Horna - Synkän muiston äärellä
04. Skjull - The Wanderer
05. Ragnarok - Certain Death
06. Frozen Shadows - Of Pain and Insufferable Torment
07. Lord Belial - Come to the Sabbath
08. Esker - Du Nord
09. Garwall - Par delà le bien et le mal
10. Thy Primordial - The Heresy of an Age of Reason
11. NostraDrama - L'hymne nocturne
12. Celestia - Darkness Enfolds the Sky
13. The Burning - Darkness Soon Will Be (rehearsal)
14. Veneficium - The Awakening
15. Azaghal - Ihmisviha
16. Demon Realm - Eternities Unbound Forevermore
17. Winter of the Black Skies - Rider of the Night


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